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Hi there not really sure what to do or say? Went to the GP as a mole on my leg started bleeding with a blood blister. She said it didn’t look like cancer but let’s remove it to be sure. Saw the dermatologist who spoke very quickly and mentioned cancer and to book me in for it to be removed. Also said I had a lesion on my back which needs removing! Got a cancellation for the next day Grimacing had the leg mole removed now I’m recovering. Was told I’d get results in 4-6 weeks so I’ve gone from it’s probably nothing to cancer. Needless to say this has all happened very quickly I feel sick and terrified of the results. I have three kiddies and one has severe separation anxiety and mental health issues she’s 16. My other daughter 10 also has separation anxiety. Both very much mummy’s girl.  My son just gets on with life. I’m terrified and possibly overthinking massively the worst case scenario so yeah that’s me. Now just waiting for an appointment to have the mole on my back removed which apparently is a baby mole so not urgent  

  • Hi 2fingerstocancer  Try not to worry too much.  I know it is easier said than done and I was very worried.  Skin cancers can be cured and you have had fantastically quick treatment.  Lots of people on here have waited a year for surgery, so at least that one is gone now and hopefully they got wide margins and everything will be ok.  Did they mention if it was a basal cell or squamas cell cancer.  I have had two basal cells on my face, one with skin flap and other skin graft surgery.  Although it has taken a year for scars to fade I am doing ok now.  Was it just cut out and stitched up no grafts or anythingh like that.  4 - 6 weeks is about the average time for biopsy results.  I am sure ypu will be fine so try not to worry.  Please feel free to ask any questions no matter how trivial they seem , as we are all in the same boat and one of us will have experienced what you are going through.  xx

  • Thank you for getting back to me it’s much appreciated. Basically they took the mole out with 2mm of normal skin around it then stitched it up.  They didn’t say anything about what it was but the dermatologist said the word basal amongst a lot of other words!! She spoke very quickly but could have referred to the mole on my back which is being removed in around four weeks or so they say. I can’t believe how quickly I’ve been seen if people are waiting months. It’s just so scary when you’re living your life and then presented with this! I just thank the lord at the moment touch wood it’s just skin cancer! How long can you go for a walk after the excision? Dr said to take it easy for the next few weeks. The ironic thing is I was going to do the hilly Peak District walk for macmillan in July!! Think I’ll do it next year!! Hope all is well with you xx

  • Hi again How big is the area that you have had operated on have you got a lot of stitches.  I would have thought once the stitches are out and it is healed ok then you can resume your walking.  Mine were on my face and luckily we were wearing masks so after the first few days I did go out, the only thing I couldnt do until stitches were out was wash my hair.  My cousins wife had a similar one to yours removed a few months back and once her stitches were out she was back walking her dog daily and scar was minimal. Think she had about 8 stitches in hers.  Yes it is very scary when the cancer word is used, but skin cancers are curable and I am sure you will be fine. xx

  • Hi 2fingerstocancer

    Toatally different to you but I had a skin cancer removed from my nose last year.

    I was terrified and like you once thought it all and still Do.

    The surgeon was lovely.

    I too love the peak district and hike there. My surgeon told me to continue hiking and not to get paranoid.

    Is worth asking if you could still do the peak district walk. See what your surgeon says 

  • I’ve got 7 stitches in my calf and the dr said please be careful, don’t pop the stitches cos I’m not sewing it up again! I have them out end of next week then should be able to start walking again. It’s the waiting and not knowing that is hard. My son is asking loads of questions about moles. There’s a fine line between being honest and not scaring them!

  • Thanks for your response. Hope you’re doing well. I’m due to have another mole removed in June on my back so the Peak District walk will have to wait as I won’t be training enough. Been sat on my backside for long enough and thought this charity walk would motivate me :-))  I’m definitely going to be more active after this cancer scare I’d like to be around for a while longer yet!! I’ll be slapping that sun cream on as a matter of course now x

  • with the stitches neing on your calf then just be careful but once they are out you shouod be fine.  Do you live in Derbyshire with doing the Peak district run.  Yes Factor 50 for me now until end of November I was told from start of March, but damage was probably done in childhood.  Take care and keep in touch xx

  • It's difficult isn't it?

    We're advised to get plenty of outdoor exercise but then run the risk of skin cancer.

    And of course once you've had one there's always the risk of more which makes the anxiety worse.

    To be anxious is perfectly normal and you'll find this group very supportive so please feel free to ask anything.

    Once you've finished all your treatment you'll be able to start your training for next next year's peak walk.

    I was told to continue hiking but to wear factor 50, sunglasses and a hat. To generally cover up and be sensible if it really is extremely sunny and hot. Personally I wouldn't go out in those extreme conditions.

    I was also told like Harlyn that the damage was done in childhood.

    I'm thinking I may do the charity walk next year too.

    Hope your leg is healing well

  • I recently had a BCC removed from my foot.  I was given a leaflet which stated that for wounds to lower legs and feet you should rest as much as possible for ten days with leg elevated as often as possible.   Apparently the wound is weakest after the stitches are removed so I was told no long walks for six weeks.    Hope this helps.

  • Hiya first of all thanks for the responses. I’ve had my stitches out and my leg is fine just need to keep it moisturised now and hopefully the scaring won’t be too bad. I was told I can carry on as normal now which is good so back to walking and tap dancing!! just the long wait for the results now. On the NHS app it does say treatment for basal cell so I hope that doesn’t change and they’ve got it all out. I’ve treated myself to a nice sun hat, just need the rain to stop so I can wear it!