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So I am still in total shock over what I expected to be a trip to be told I just needed antibiotic cream for what I thought was an infected covid jab site turned into being told it was actually a BCC.

I didnt know how my little girl would react who is 8. I didnt know how to tell my parents.

I still dont know how to deal with my own thoughts. I am so lost. Having been told 6 months to wait for removal, I want to dig it out myself. They tell me it wont spread but knowing it is in me is terrifying. I feel physically sick and cannot sleep.

Who knew that little word could hit you so hard like a tonne of bricks.

  • Hi Tigger 22

    It's a massive shock to get a skin cancer diagnosis. I just sat and cried when the consultant told me I had a basal cell cancer on my nose.

    I had it removed last June.

    A six month wait isn't at all unusual so please don't worry about that.

    • I hope your consultant explained everything to you and please ask us anything on this group. It's been an absolute lifeline and I'm sure you'll find it helpful and reasurring 
  • Hi Tigger 22  Yes it is a great shock when you are told you have a skin cancer, but my Consultant did say if you are to have any cancer basal cell is the best one to get, as it doesn't spread to organs and wont kill you !!  I have had 2 removed from my face in the last year, and as Pickettyboo has said, this site has been our lifeline, we all help one another along the way  People don't realiser when you say you have a skin cancer what is entailed, they think oh just cut it out and you will be fine.  Yes you are fine, but the journey isn't always an easy one, I had to have a skin flap surgery for one of mine and a skin graft for the other which was right near my eye.  A year on and I am ok, scars are minimal.  Did the surgeon tell you what would be involved in the removal of it,  Yes you will be scared but you will be fine trust us.  Ask us anything and someone will have experienced it and help you through your crisis.  Please try not to worry you will be ok xx

  • Thank you so much everyone.

    All I have been told so far is that it should just be cut out and a nice scar afterwards - it is at the top of my arm.

    I think the shock of just simply not expecting it, then reading about it has been the worst ao far. It doesnt help that I am needle phobic so the actual removal will be a challenge. 

    I didnt realise how emotional I would be either. I know it will be cut out, but it doesnt stop your brain from jumping to worst case and silly thoights.

    Thanl you so much guys

  • So more questions incoming as I have lost the ability to sleep since being told.

    As thd BCC is at the top of my arm, am I going to be able to bend my arm to put my bra on afterwards?

    How am I going to sleep? I narurally sleep on that side, so no idea how that will work?

    What if they dont get it all out?

    Why do I feel like there is something inside me that that needs to be gone and I feel dirty because of it?

    What if I can never relax on holiday again? I am only in my 30s with an 8 year old who loves holidays abroad, what am I going to do if I cant relax in the sun?

    Appreciate this is severe sleep depravation talking here.....

  • Your reactions are completely natural Tigger 22.  I was exactly the same and spent many nights at 3am having cuppa and in tears.  Your procedure sounds quite straight forward no skin grafts and skinflaps.  It will be just a cut, taken out and stitched.  My husbands was like this, but it was on his face.  Your arm may be a little sore but nothing big and you will have a small dressing on I guess. You should be able to put your bra on but perhaps not lie on it for a few days.  I had all mine done with locals and 50 stitches in one and I survived. Once I got to hospital I felt like running away but thought dont be silly and they fetched me in then and I was fine.  Consultant talked to me whole way through made me feel comfortable and I was fine.  I am 74 so quite an ordeal for an elderly lady and a face full of stitches and dressings.  A year on and all is fine, scars are hardly visible.  First holiday I was paranoid, but have calmed down now.  Used loads of Factor 50 sun cream the No 7 facial one on face and Piz Buin on my arms.  I wear a large brimmed hat and we have a factor 50 sun shade in the garden so I can sit out and enjoy a coffee.  I don't sunbathe but of course you have to live.  My Consultant told me not to be afraid of the sun as these things happen and the damage was probably done in my childhood and they just come out in later life.  Take care and here to answer anything you want to ask.Dont worry but I know you will, as I did, but believe me you will get over it, but at the moment you are in shock.  Lots of love and hugs xx

  • I agree with everything Harlyn has said.

    They also take a margin of healthy skin around the lesion to ensure that they've got it all out and as it's on your arm the suturing should be straight forward.

    I would say , don't worry, but I know you will and that's perfectly normal 

  • I have had  had a number of BCC's removed.   Two removals were recent - 7 weeks ago.    The one on my shoulder (10 stitches) was really straightforward.   A dressing on for 24 hours.   No problem with bras, dressing or sleeping.   Just a bit sore for a week or so and stitches out after ten days.   It has healed already and feels fine.    You won't see any needles and the nurses are so good at distraction techniques!

    Truly, these things don't spread and although they do have to be removed, they are not dangerous.   This site is brilliant for advice and support.