BCC on cheek

  • 2 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi everyone, I had a biopsy late August 22 and was told on 7th Dec that it’s a BCC, the follow up appointment was delayed due to me being on holiday. The nurse was lovely, she went off to fetch a Mohs surgeon to have a look,  she was also lovely, and confirmed due to my age and location of the BCC, it’s on my cheek, about a cm away from the bottom of my nose, I’m a suitable  candidate for Mohs (I’m a 54 year old female). I was rather shocked as at my initial appointment the nurse said it was probably not a BCC, although my GP was convinced when he referred me that’s what is was, all very confusing! Anyway, I asked for a timeframe and was told 3 to 4 months, I’d not heard at 3 months so I called to see if I could get update on when the surgery would be. I’ve now been told it will be ‘around’ June time. Is this a usual waiting time? It seems such a long time, I try to put it to the back of my mind and get on with things for the next 3 months but that’s easier said than done. I’m hoping for some reassurance that these feelings are normal and I’m not going mad! 
Thank you 

  • Hi Loubdo  Keep pestering as this is a long time to wait  Although not life threatening these little bcc's are not good and need to be dealt with as soon as possible.  Ive had 2 bcc's removed from my face.  I chose not to have MOHS as my plastic surgeon was confident he could remove them all by normal surgery, which he did.  I had them done privately as I was told the waiting list was quite long for this sort of procedure and I didn't want to wait.  Just go back to you gp and ask if he can help to bring it forward as June is quite a long time to wait, and as you say you get more and more anxious, which is totally natural.  Good Luck and keep in touch as this group is brilliant and helped me through my ordeal. xx

  • Hi loubdo

    I had a basal cell removed from my nose last year.

    The head and neck surgeon arranged for me to see the mohs surgeon to see if I could have mohs as it was on my nose.

    The waiting time for mohs surgery was 10 months but both surgeons felt mohs wasn't necessary so it was done by the head and neck surgeon within 4 months by excision.

    Both surgeons however, did say that it wouldn't have been a problem to wait the 10 months.

    I think personally that they're best out as quickly as possible and it seems you've waited a long time all ready, so as Harlyn suggested it may be worth chasing it up.

    It's a very worrying time and how you're feeling is completely normal.

    Please keep in touch with how you get on