Been diagnosed this afternoon with BCC on scalp

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  • 36 subscribers


Hope everyone is keeping well!
I’ve just been diagnosed by a dermatologist with basal cell carcinoma on my scalp after an urgent referral by my GP 2 weeks ago. I have had a patch on my head for around 9 months that kept scabbing , then oozing and bleeding and never healed. Should have got it checked sooner but didn’t think too much of it.

I’ve been told treatment will be minor surgery and should be a straightforward procedure, which is only complicated by the fact it is on my scalp and will bleed a lot.

The dermatologist was lovely and explained everything to me, I should expect the appointment in around 6-8 weeks, I will likely have a scar and possibly a bald patch after but if that is the worst that comes from it I feel pretty lucky. However i wished I had asked, but only thought of it after I left, is it normal to have this diagnosis without a biopsy? Thank you.

  • Morning Beckster.  I have had 2 basal cell cancers on my face.  One was diagnosed straight away with dermascope. The other was inconclusive so had biopsy then confirmed as bcc.  I had skin flap and skin graft surgery and after a year scars are barely visible.  How big is your bcc as sometimes they do skin grafts, but I am sure you will be fine.  They were both very different. One was like a small nodule but the other was a scab that kept coming off and wouldnt heal. Nasty little beasts but at least they can be cured.  Keep in touch as I am sure, like me, you will find this group very supportive.  Good Luck x

  • Hi beckster

    I had a basal cell removed from my nose last year.

    It was wrongly diagnosed for quite some some time, but when a different dermatologist saw it she knew straight away that it was a basal cell.

    It was removed without doing a biopsy.

    I think they have certain characteristics when seen through a dermascope.

    Keep us posted on your progress 

  • I had a BCC removed from scalp,had been there for some time. The dermatologist said it looked like a BCC but I did have a biopsy to confirm before surgery.