Recent diagnosis from the Mole Clinic

  • 16 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi all.  I had a red lump on my back which I had noticed a few months ago.  Went to have it checked out at the Mole Clinic (private) yesterday.  I was shocked to get a call this morning to say that a doctor has given a primary diagnosis of BCC which a potential diagnosis of Bowen's disease.  The nurse on the phone was very reassuring and that the diagnosis wasn't a cause for alarm - I just need to see a dermatologist in the next 12 weeks.  I have managed to get a private appointment with a dermatologist tomorrow which is good.  I am freaking out though because I looked at old pictures and I think I have had a lump/spot in that place for at least three years! Everywhere I have read says that BCC very rarely spreads but I think I might be the exception because of the time I think I have had this.  While I know I will only get definitive answers from the consultant tomorrow, I would appreciate hearing from anyone with a similar experience.

  • Hi Poppy 88,

    I had 2 BCC's on left side of my face. One had been misdiagnosed as eczema for 5 years at least and was a good thumb size when it was diagnosed correctly. 

    I had Mohs surgery in 2017 that I paid for privately and the scar is a thin white line that no-one appears to notice. No recurrence at that site.

    I have had 3 biopsies in November 2 on my forehead and one on my nose. Over 4 months for histology results but advised I need Mohs surgery again.

    It can be a shock to receive a diagnosis of cancer and then equally a shock at how little a BCC is regarded in consequence or comparison to other cancers, by GP's for instance.

    I'm sure other people will join in and reassure you as we have all been through it and the anxiety can definitely be the worst thing. 

    Happy to answer any questions or concerns you have. 

    Best wishes Sarah 






  • Dear Poppy 88

    I had two BCC's on left side of face, one had been misdiagnosed as eczema for 5 years at least and was a good thumb size when it was diagnosed correctly. 

    I had Mohs surgery in 2017 that I paid for privately and the scar is a thin white line that no-one appears to notice. No recurrence at that site so the Mohs worked well.

    I have had 3 biopsies in November 2 on my forehead and one on my nose. Advised over 4 months for histology results but that I need Mohs surgery again as ill defined edges.

    It can be a shock to receive a diagnosis of cancer and then equally a shock at how little a BCC is regarded in consequence or comparison to other cancers, by GP's for instance.

    I'm sure other people will join in and reassure you as we have all been through it and the anxiety can definitely be the worst thing. 

    Happy to answer any questions or concerns you have. 

    Best wishes Sarah 


  • Hi Sarah

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.  I am reassured, thank you, by your experience.  It really is a shock to be told you likely have skin cancer, but then on the other hand, for the medical practitioner to be so relaxed about it.  I guess I should be thankful that of all the cancers I could have, it is one that is relatively low risk.  I think/hope I will feel better once I see the consultant tomorrow.

  • Hi Poppy, 

    If it helps at all, I was told by a GP 'Why don't you just leave it, you've got so many, you are going to be disfigured,  I'm not even sure what they can do to help you'

    The dermatologist I saw 2 months later advised, 'I don't even understand what your GP meant'  'we never advise to leave a BCC' and they can offer me treatment and help. 

    BCC's are usually very slow growing and localised so eventhough yours may have been there for 3 years or more it would be extremely unlikely to have spread to anywhere else in your body. 

    I can also hopefully reassure you that the biopsies and operations can look horrifying at first but within a very short period they quickly fade. 

    Let us know how you get on with your appointment. I have my follow up Dermatology appointment also tomorrow to check the biopsy sites I believe. 

    Best wishes


  • Thank you Sarah, it's so new to me that it's hard to get my head around it!  Good luck for your appointment tomorrow and I will be sure to check back in here after I have had mine.

  • Hi poppy88

    I had a basal cell on my nose for between two to three years. The surgeon wasn't at all concerned by the length of time it had been there. In fact I could have gone onto a ten month mohs surgery waiting list but I just wanted it gone 

  • Hi Poppy 88,

    How did it go for you today? I hope you have had some reassurance and now have a path forward.

    I had a surprise at the Dermatologists today as my histology results were back. 

    BCC's in all three new lesions. The 2 on forehead require Mohs surgery as ill defined edges and grew quite quickly. Waiting list is about 4 months but better to get all of the cancer removed she advised. 

    The one on my nose being treated with chemo cream for 6 weeks not had experience of this before so hoping others might advise what to expect. 

    Hoping you are ok 

    Best wishes



  • Hi Sarah,

    Thank you for checking in on me - you are very considerate.  I had my appointment with the dermatologist this afternoon.  She looked at the lesion and diagnosed it within seconds as "not BCC and not cancer".  Turns out it is a dermatofibroma.  She was adamant.  When I asked why the other doctor had diagnosed BCC from the photo, she explained that unless you see the lesion in 3D and can feel it, it can be misdiagnosed.  It was a relief to say the least.  She also did a full body check for anything suspect and said everything looked good.  I was very fortunate to get seen so quickly....I dread to think what a state I would have got myself into if I had to wait weeks or months to see the dermatologist in person.

    And thank you for letting me know how you got on.  It sounds like you have a good medical team on your side.  I hope other users on here are able to share their experiences of using the cream.  I wish you all the best and thank you once again for being there for me.

  • Aww Poppy88,

    I am so very happy to hear your good news and thank you so much for your lovely kind words. 

    Glad they gave you a thorough check over. Yes a dermatoscope and hands on examination from an experienced Dermatologist is far superior and so pleased they were able to put your mind at rest. 

    Best wishes

    Sarah x

  • Hi

    I've been treated eith effudex cream

    The area became very red and blistered after about ten days but it did clear the problem.

    It can make the area loom quite angry and sore but it's worth persevering.

    You sound as if you've had more than your fair share of these things

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on