
  • 5 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi my dermatologist recently examined an area on the tip of my nose just at the side and said it was a BCC . I am due to have a punch biopsy on the 19th. Will my nose be likely to need any type of reconstruction surgery because of where it is ? 

  • Morning Tiny T.  Depends how big the lesion is as to what will be required.  I have had 2 bcc's, one near my eye top of nose  and one near nosttril.  I had skin flap on one and skin graft on the other, but didn;t need reconstruction.  Once you bave results from biopsy I think he will discuss with you how he will deal with it.  Please keep in touch with this group, as it has been my saviour, as we help one another through our worries and concerns. Think you will be referred to plastic surgeon if reconstruction is required, as this was what happened with me. Dermatologist referred me straight away as he said he couldnt do the operation due to where these bcc's were as he wanted a good job doing.  It has been nearly a year for the first one and 9 months for the second one, and the scars are hardly visible now. I can see them but friends say they can't.  Good Luck and keep in touch. xx

  • Hi tiny T

    I had a basal cell removed from the side of my nose back in the summer.

    The initial plan was excision with reconstruction but it was decided that because of where it was it could be left to heal by itself which took about six weeks. 

    They gave me the choice and that's what I chose. However, if I'd had the reconstruction the scar would be a lot less visible.

    Discuss all the options with your surgeon.

    Reconstruction sounds awful but as the skin on the nose is so tight it's often needed for the best cosmetic results and healing.

    It all sounds very frightening at the start so talk about it with your surgeon who I'm sure will reassure you and ask us anything on this site as we've either gone through it or are still in treatment and will hopefully be able to answer your questions

  • Thank you, yes it is very scary, I think people sometimes don't understand how scary it is. Because it's not classed as a major cancer, it's still a cancer and it's all very frightening,  I'm glad I have found this place xxx

  • Yes that's right. People minimise them and although like you say they're usually not a major cancer and are treatable they're still frightening. And having surgery on your face is also a worry even when the surgeons are so competent and understanding.

    I often think it would be different if the ones that minimise them got a skin cancer themselves.

    You really will find this site a support so please keep in contact with your progress and and any concerns you may have.