Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma

  • 8 replies
  • 35 subscribers

After being diagnosed with Infiltrating Basal Cell Carcinoma this summer I have had surgery to remove the beast. 

3 views. No.1  The surgeon put my lip back together.

No.2  One week after the surgery and all but the dissolving stitches are out.

No. 3  Two weeks after surgery and the last of the dissolving stitches has gone, altogether a tidy job.

However, I think I can see traces of the beast making its self seen again, should I make a call to the surgeon's Secretary and try to see him as soon as possible?

  • Hi Mrs Wobble.

    Love your name you have chosen think we could all relate to this.  Yes I would definitely get in touch with Consultants Secretary. When I was worried about how my second one was healing, it looked horrendous, hubby took a picture and emailed to his Secretary and she forwarded it to the Consultant.  He was in the airport going to America on holiday, but told me what to do and I had an appointment to see him in 3 weeks and he just said he would see me then. Why do you feel it is the beast returning. These damn skin cancers are a nightmare, but you will find lots of people will chat to you about their experiences and I am sure you will find comfort from it.  Keep us infromed how you go on and keep in touch.  Good Luck xx

  • Hi

    Yes. Definitely make the appointment.

    Do you know if when they removed it the surgeon got clear margins?

  • I have an appointment  on Monday  afternoon  to see consultant.  Watch this space.

  • Good Luck Mrs Wobble will be thinking of you and hope all goes well.  Please let us know your results xx

  • Hope your appointment goes well

    Please let us know 

  • OK,  apparently  the excision in December  went well. The margins around the cancer were all clear!! There is no cancer left.      The area I have been concerned about is not cancer , it's  sun damage.

    The cancer is gone , the beast is no more!!!

  • Brilliant news Mrs Wobble.  So happy for you, but these beasts do worry is they are nasty little creatures.  Onwards and upwards now. Happy New Year to you. Keep in touch xx

  • That's brilliant news and must be a massive relief to you. They're such a worry arnt they?

    When we've had one it's hard to relax and any little thing we see we automatically worry about.