Recent diagnosis BCC

  • 8 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi i'm so glad to find this group because I don't know how to deal with my recent diagnosis.

I'm 27 and so was shocked to find out I have a BCC on my forward as the GP had said that it's rare for people my age to get them and had only given me some steroid cream when I first went two years ago about the mark.

When I've told friends and family about it, as soon as I say it's a slow growing cancer and won't spread they don't really care anymore. But I can't stop worrying that I will get more and could have other cancers that could be spreading without realising it. I was going to go to GP to get other moles checked in case, but now any pain or symptom I get I'm paranoid it could be a cancer.

Has anyone had a similar experience and have some advice?

thank you 

  • Morning Merrypip. Yes you are very young to have skin cancer as my Consultant told me it is an age related thing . I am 73 and have had 2 bcc's on my face and had skin flap and skin graft surgery on them.  This site has been my saviour as we are all in the same boat and support one another through the journey. As you say people don't understand and are quite flippant about skin cancer. Have you been referred to aConsultant yet and if so what is going to happen.  I had a consultation with dermatologist first who then referred me to a plastic surgeon as both sites were in hard places to be dealt with.  It has taken 9 months since surgeries for the areas to settle and they still feel *strange* but think this is how it will be.  Yes when I got the diagnosis I was very upset and paranoid, just like you about everything being cancer, it is a natural reaction.  Let me know what your situation is re hospital etc and I will help you all I can and I am sure other people on the site will too.  I have made some good friends here going through the same journey, we help one another all we can.  Happy New Year and let us hope you can be sorted and calm down. xx

  • Hi Harlyn

    Thank you so much for your reply it's good to hear from you and your journey so far.

    Yes I met the consultant and have been referred for excision and they explained the wait might be up to year.

    Did you have many post-op appointments to check up? And have they said about you getting yearly check ups?

    Am reassured to hear that what I'm feeling is normal, thought I might have been overreacting as everyone was so relaxed about it. Thank you and happy new year! 

  • Hi merrypip

    Sorry to hear that you have a basal cell.

    I had one removed from my nose in the summer and to say I was terrified is an understatement.

    It's normal to be scared and worried  and I'm afraid the reaction you've had seems to be common. People don't understand how these things affect us.

    Any questions you may have please feel free to ask us. I also found that the consultant was extremely helpful.

    This group is a great support and I'm sure you'll find it very helpful.

  • Hi Merrypip  Yes please feel reassured it is absolutely normal what you are feeling.  I had so many crying days after my diagnosis although bcc's are not too serious you still hear the word Cancer and panic, which is natural.  I saw Consultant once after the first procedure which went ok and twice after the second one as this one was very nasty. I had them done privately so don't have yearly follow ups, just told to ring his Secretary if I am worried at all and he will see me.  I think if you have it done on the NHS you have a yearly check up.  I thought Puckettyboo would reply to you and say what she did.  We have become friends and helped one another through our situations, as like you have found, people don't know what you are going through.  We know the journey is hard and you need support from people who have been through it.  Is there any way you can get in touch with your Consultant as a year is a long time to wait.  I had the first one done and he did biopsy on the on near my eye, which can back bcc and had that done 6 weeks from the first.  When I arrived to have it done he said gosh that has grown since I last saw you, so the sooner you can get it sorted the better.  As Puckettyboo has said please keep in touch and we will help you all we can as we know how important it is.xx

  • Hi puckettyboo

    thank you for your reply, how are you feeling now it has been removed?

    it's a shame that this is a common reaction. I will definitely send any questions I have here, thank you for the quick reply 

  • Hi harlyn 

    yes it was definitely hearing the word cancer that upset me. I've read about doing it privately, would you recommend the process? I don't have any experience with private healthcare. 

    I was going to follow up in the new year as I just got the referral letter through and it has the details on there. I have since found out I have a family history of skin cancer (my family hadn't told me and my sister) so was going to let the consultant know in case it was important.

    thank you for your answers, do you have any other resources you would recommend that we're helpful? Macmillan was the only one I thought of 

  • Hi merrypip

    I'm ok now it's gone. I do have a scar.

    I've found the main problem now is that I get paranoid about any lump or bump on my face. I told the consultant this and he very tactfully reassured me that I need to get back to normal and not live in constant fear.

    Easier said than done.

    It was a huge relief though to finally get rid of it 

  • I was in Bupa and never ever used it and decided I would use it and have it done privately.  The experience was very good and was seen and had operation(s) quickly.  It is a more relaxed environment which was good for me as I panic but felt so calm and reassured. Just me, Plastic surgeon and a Nurse who held my hand the whole time in the room and they talked to me about everything the whole time. Not like a hospital environment.  Like puckettyboo has said my Cosnultant has told me I have to live my life now and not let this "thing" take over but it is easier said than done. xx