Actinic keratosis

  • 6 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I saw the skin cancer specialist nurse on Wednesday who diagnosed AK which is wide spread on my face and scalp. I am prescribed 5 fu and she advised to do one area at a time for 4 weeks in total it will be 4 months of treatment. The cream needs to be applied sparingly on the area and put on all over due to the effects it will cause. I m also prescribed steroid cream to use on a weekend should it become too uncomfortable. The 5 fu is to be applied once a day Monday to Friday with a weekend break. I have read others have it twice a day. I start he treatment Monday has the pharmacy had to order it in. I would appreciate if anyone using this treatment could share with me their experience and recommendations in managing it.

thanks Peter 

  • Hi 

    I was prescribed effudex to spot treat an area of actinic keratosis so different from you.

    I applied it twice a day.

    The area became inflamed crusty red and weepy. It felt sore and tight.

    Apparently this is normal and to be expected

    The area now is just slightly pink. 

    It is uncomfortable but bearable and soon settles down once treatment is completed

    Of course, people react differently but I didn't find it too bad but it was only a small area 

  • Hi. I've just recently asked in the community here if anyone else has been prescribed Efudix only once a day, as I have. I am only doing an area on my nose (there's a spot there she thought was AK), and I was told to apply once a day for three weeks, heal for three weeks, and then review. I see you will be carrying on for four weeks, but the weekend break will add almost a week of not treating so it will come to the same thing.

    I've been doing it for ten days once a day so far. I have no reaction at all yet, not even a slight redness. It's a very small area I'm treating - only about one third of my nose. As I am treating a particular 'spot' thre may not be reaction for all sorts of reasons, good and bad, including the possibility that it isn't AK at all. You will be treating a larger area and therefore it seems to me more likely to 'hit' some AK that react.

    Did the nurse say why she was choosing a once a day treatment?

  • Hi Greyowl

    no she just said once a day for 5 days and weekend break and to apply steroid pain relief cream if too uncomfortable. She advised to treat the right side of forehead and side of face first. Then the left after the 4 th week and then the scalp after week 4 She said it would be  week 2 before noticing anything. I know the cream can make other areas of the skin red on unseen AK. I m thinking of applying it at night time.

  • Well all the best with that. (As I said, I'm in week 2 and haven't noticed any reaction yet, so maybe it's nice to know you may not be inconvenienced by it for a while anyway.)

  • Hi

    thanks for reply. Chemist only delivers it tomorrow. I ll read instructions. I had 5 fu chemotherapy 5 yrs ago intravenous for cancer and that’s when I noticed all red inflammation on my face and it settled down after a few weeks after chemo was stopped. Then it started with this. I v been on solaraze gel for 3 yrs prescribed by GP. He referred me to dermatologist has it is now not responding to the treatment. Thank you for replying it’s reassuring.I don’t know if you have but  I bought a nose sun protection mask it fits on the nose brim of your glasses and just covers the nose protecting it from the sun and icy cold days. I have roseacea and it work’s fabulous although I do get funny looks but I’m not bothered,  I got it from Amazon 8.50. Just thought I d share that. 
    I will let you know how I go on.