Plastic surgery appointment

  • 7 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Hi all

I have waited about 5 weeks and have my plastic surgery appointment on Tuesday after a BCC diagnosis with dermatologist but have been told it is only 20min appointment and they might not remove it in this appointment. I am so disappointed as really wanted it removed, anyone had the same journey?

  • Yes I had private appointment with plastic surgeon after being referred by dermatologist who didn't want to undertake the operation.  First appointment is to assess what is required as some can be straight forward to just remove, whilst others, like mine, were complicated and required skin flap surgery and skin graft.  It was then done a couple of weeks later for first one and 3 months later for second.  They can't just do it at first appointment as theatres etc have to be booked.  Feel free to ask more questions we are all here to support you.  Where abouts is your bcc. Both mine were on my face

  • Thank you, that makes sense, mine is on the lower half of my leg on the side.

  • my cousins wife has just had one done there and after assessment just had it removed and stitched. They did think she would need a skin graft but managed to do it without  Think they obviouly take more care when these pesky things are on your face.  Good Luck, keep in touch xx

  • Thank you so much 

  • Yes I waited about 6 months to see plastic surgeon, but after that I had it removed about 2 weeks later

  • Hi I have just read about ur basal cell mine in on my face on my left lower eyelid I went on Friday to get it removed or so I thought but when I went to theatre the did a curret scrap of it as it had blood vessels growing or something so they said the plastic surgeon needs to know something about the cells so they know what margins or something help it’s all double Dutch to me but he did say we won’t call to say it’s basal cell as he could tell it was but to give me an apt with the plastic surgeon to remove it after the next 2 weeks is this normal???

  • Hi poppy thank you so much good to know it was not a long wait after seeing the plastic surgeon.