Skin Cancer Apps

  • 6 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I have been having yearly skin cancer checkups for the last 10 years and despite having these checkups the NHS have missed any changes in my moles. Luckily I spotted a change by chance as I could easily see this mole and unfortunately its been diagnosed as Skin Cancer (luckily only Stage 1 melonoma).  Am now waiting for an appointment for the NHS to remove the one cm additional around the cancerous mole.  I will now have 3 monthly checkups but as I have lots of moles (plus my confidence in the NHS checks isnt particulary high at the moment), is there an app that anyone uses to help with first line defence checks. There seems to be mulitiple apps but wanted to see if anyone has any recommendations to help with self checks.



  • Hi i also had a melenoma mole removed July 2021 a year of immunotherapy( pembrolizumab) didn’t work I’m now stage 4 melenoma skin cancer (lungs) I’m now on IPILIMUMAB but my oncologist is dead against me having nivolumbab which they normally combined with IPILIMUMAB gives a better response to treatment apparently it’s a 12 week cycle with a treatment every 3 weeks!

  • Hi,

    I'm sorry to hear that you have detected a melanoma and hope you get treatment soon.

    I use the Skin Vision app that you could use in conjunction with NHS checks. I think you can have a few free photos a year or pay a fee for submission of as many photos as you want to submit. 

    Any checks aren't 100% and skin changes can occur very quickly so I hope that the combination of being vigilant yourself, an app and NHS checks will catch any possible future issues as quickly as possible. 

    Best wishes

  • Dear Jolly Roger, 

    I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis and treatment. 

    Why is your oncologist 'dead against' giving you treatment that you say would be more efficacious? 

    Can you ask for a second opinion? 

    Best wishes Sarah 

  • Thanks for this. I have just downloaded the skinvision app and the yearly cost of £50 isnt too expensive considering what is at stake.  Thanks for the recommendation.

  • Hi Pete,

    I hope it is of use. It does say the photo algorithms have a high rate of detection and in my case some of the lesions were barely noticeable but flagged as high risk. They also then put the photos before a panel of dermatologists to check, so you have an almost instant confirmation. 

    You will be able to track all moles or suspicious lesions over time and compare how they have changed. I'm currently tracking how my 3 biopsy sites are healing whilst nervously  waiting for results. 

    Best wishes Sarah 

  • Thanks Sarah.  The diagnosis this week has really been a wake up call for me (cant stop thinking about it and am one of the lucky ones as am only stage 1).  Am determined to have a robust process in place for myself to track changes so I think the app is a great starting point and will also help to put my mind at ease that I have a structured way to keep track of any changes. 

    Thanks again 
