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  • 35 subscribers

So Im extremely perplexed by my recent diagnosis.  At the end of September I won a weight loss competition.  I went from 290 to 265.  Although heavy, I'm a gym guy and lift weights.  After shaving I noticed one of my lymph nodes was swollen.  After a bout with antibiotics nothing changed.  I was sent for an Ultrasound and the one on my right side was was 3.7cm one on the right 2.2.  I went for a core biopsy,  It came back as a Metastic Moderately Differentiated Kertanizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma P16 Positive.  I immediately went into panic mode.

1-Blood work is good, better than last year.

2-No pain, no ailments, no cancer weight loss, no loss of appetite, no night sweats, no anything other than swollen nodes.  I feel normal.  I still go to the gym and do 2 to 3 miles on the treadmill and still bench around 315.

Doctor sent me for CT Scans of abdomen, pelvis, lungs and neck.  So far all good.  Neck showed the lymph nodes.

Im beyond perplexed.  I am starting the ball rolling to get scheduled with an oncologist.  Its weird.   After the initial cancer shock and thinking everything was wrong, I stopped thinking about it and feel just as I do and did prior to knowing.

Has anyone else had this happen to them?  Ive read in a few articles that it may be possible for the body to destroy the primary site after the cancer spread to lymph nodes.

I don't want to jinx this but I am feeling somewhat confident.