Upper Eyelid Basal Cell

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  • 35 subscribers


Was diagnosed in September with BCC on eyelash rim of upper eyelid.  Referred from Dermatology to Ocular Plastics and saw a lovely Consultant who advised wide local excision with margin control and reconstruction on the same day.  I had read up on the MOHS technique and thought that was the one I would be having as all medical advice seems to say that is the best one for the eyelid with regard to getting rid of all the cancer and cosmetic outcome.  As she seemed to have a lot of experience I agreed to have the one she advised.

I felt relieved that she was going to do the procedure as she had done many before etc. Today though I received a date  - late December which I gladly accepted. I then panicked and rang back to check it was with her and unfortunately she is on holiday then and after some quizzing I got the surname of the Consultant who will be doing it instead.  I am now feeling very nervous as despite his many credits it does not mention anything about BCC speciality.

Don't know whether to ask for private consultation with him as it seems that is the only way I will be able to speak to him before the op.....feeling very anxious!

Anyone else had this kind of experience?

Thanks for reading this

  • Hi midcentury girl

    I havnt had your experience. My basal cell was on my nose which I had surgically removed.

    I'm sure that the consultant would understand how nervous you are and even if you don't get to see him face to face would be happy to talk to you and give you some reassurance and answer your questions.

    My experience has been that the surgeons are very approachable and are happy to put your Mind at rest