Squamous cell carcinoma

  • 2 replies
  • 36 subscribers
  1. Was told yesterday I have squamous cell carcinoma on my face and prescribed Efudix 5% cream. Feeling quite  numb at the moment as did not expect this result. Doctor said that it is treatable but still worried about what to expect. Any advice would be much appreciated 
  • Hello mass

    I've had a basal cell removed from my face and I think these things are always a shock that take time to process.

    I also have a small area of actinic keratosis which is being treated with efudix.

    The skin has become red and inflamed and a bit crusty. I've got a week to go with it.

    Apparently this is a normal reaction so font be alarmed if your dkin becomes inflamed.

    Hopefully your dermatologist will have explained everything to you 

  • Hi mass

    Sorry to hear you are going through it. It's completely normal to feel numb, confused and worried. That's ceratinly what I felt. Like you, I was diagnosed with a squamous cell carcinoma on my face (forehead) in early September. I had surgery to removed mine. It is worrying to begin with because, as you say, it isn't what you expect. I had no history of skin cancer in the family and am in my early 30's so, like you, it didn't really occur to me that was what it would be before hand.

    I know this won't necessarily help with the worry, but this is a treatable form of cancer and relatively low risk. Also, from getting the diganosis to getting it treated, to a biopsy coming back all clear - for me, was about eight weeks. So whilst this is a worrying time (and I was worried too whilst it was happening), all I can say is, the situation resolves itself realtively quickly. 

    Do you know how differentiated your carcinoma is?
