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  • 35 subscribers

Hi, I'm new to this forum and am hoping to share with others.

I heard last week I have a Pleomorphic Dermal Sarcoma (removed 6 weeks ago), and I heard today I have a Squamous Cell Carcinoma, to be removed, both on my scalp. 

I'm hoping for more information and working out what lies ahead. I'm in my 60s and a keen watersports participant, but had to miss my activities due to wound infections and slow healing.

I have specialists to contact me and challenges ahead, so keen to talk to others. Thanks.

  • Hi Billy,

    It all depends how big is your SCC. If it is small,  it could be treated in a doctor office in 15-minutes surgery, if it is big, you may end up needing a big surgery even under general anesthesia. In any case if you are to go out, use sunscreen, wear eyeglasses.