Waiting times - Saving on the NHS budget

  • 7 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hello  - I am returning to the Group after a difficult couple of months. 

This is just to say, please do pressure your GP and Consultants.  The person you see has various metrics to contend with.  They have to tick the box. 

You need to shout for your health.  Take a plain speaking friend/representative with you if necessary.

I joined this group earlier this year as I found a lump following a bout of Covid in April.  It grew at an alarming rate.  I was put on the 2 week pathway in May and we are now approaching September.  I have had five varying diagnoses, a "wait and see" approach, and now I have a worrying satellite site above the site of the original lesion.  I am back to the Consultant on 31st August.

I have used up my sick leave so have not been paid for several weeks.  Despite requesting 'reasonable adjustments' back in June in order to be able to continue to work, they have not  been addressed. I have just sold my house as I do not see how I can manage financially going forward.

Again, you are the expert of your body.  If it feels you are being fobbed off, you most likely are.  You do not need to be rude but you do need to strongly reiterate your thoughts and feelings. 

Contact the Patient Advisory Liason Service.

  • Hi and welcome back to the group

    Unfortunately I can't see your previous posts so not sure if this is a technical issue with the site or if you have re-joined under a different username.

    You are quite right that we all need to be advocates for our own health and it sounds like you've been through a difficult time both with your diagnosis and with work related matters.

    When you are diagnosed with cancer UK law considers this as a disability and you cannot be treated less favourably than someone who does not have cancer. As you mentioned, when you tell your employer you have cancer they should try to make reasonable adjustments so that you can continue to work.

    Macmillan has lots of information about your work and cancer as well as people who can help you resolve work related matters. They can be contacted via phone on 0808 808 0000, where it's free to call Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, or via the ask a work support adviser which is part of the online community.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Its still me!  Im not sure why the site did not let me in.  I could not find my previous discussions.  

    I was getting nowhere with employer so lodged a grievance,  with the assistance of a lawyer.  This was eventually acknowledged ten days later as "there was no-one in the office with access to management inbox".  She has told me that she has "passed it on as feels may be implicated".  That was over a week ago.  

    I contacted my Union rep who did not respond for two weeks.  I now find out that she works in the same office as the Manager my grievance has been passed to. I had to contact a colleague to find out the name of this person to whom my matter has now been forwarded.

    I cannot afford an independent action and, because I have worked there for less than two years, I understand that this is not a case an employment tribunal would consider.

    End of rant.  Sorry, but thanks for your direction, and for listening.

    Ho hum!

  • Hi 

    I can see what the problem is now.

    You originally joined the community as SimpleAbundance but have now created an account called Simple Abundance. I have asked the moderators if they can amalgamate your accounts so that all your activity is in one place but I'm not sure if this is possible or not.

    Looking back I can see I replied to your old account suggesting you speak to the Macmillan work support team so sorry for repeating myself! How did you get on when you spoke to them?


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Just really grateful for the support, however it comes.  Thanks very much.

    I have not contacted the work team yet.  I was hoping the organisation would respond but am now beginning to feel a bit ostracised and constructed to exit.  Depressed, I guess.  I will get myself together and make contact.  Thanks again.

  • Hi simple abundance

    You are absolutely right.

    Three years ago the basal cell on my nose was apparently nothing to worry about.

    I went back to my gp last may as it had changed. She didn't think it was of any concern. I requested another dermatology assessment which she very reluctantly agreed to.

    It was a basal cell cancer all along.

    You sometimes have to insist on being seen and none of us should be afraid to do that

  • Thanks, Puckettyboo.  Its so hard to keep fighting your corner when you have grown up thinking the experts will sort stuff out!  I am going to insist on a biopsy as I cannot live with the uncertainty.

  • It's the uncertainty that causes so much of the stress and this is something that they should understand.

    31st isn't too far away now so I hope you get your answers very soon and that you have an understanding consultant