Just started Efudix

  • 7 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi there - I’m brand new to this forum. I’ve lived an amazing life so far, including travelling and working as a scuba diving instructor - lots of time in the sun, on boats and in pools. I also had sun beds in my teens and loved sunbathing.  

I’m 53 next week (the new middle age apparently) and I thought I’d better get some scaly areas checked on my chest/neck.  I was diagnosed last Tuesday with some areas of lesions on my neck chest, one on my hand, and a dodgy looking mole on my arm. I think AK lesions. I’ve been given Efudix for the areas on my chest and neck and hand. I’ve been applying it as instructed, twice a day, since last Tuesday but I can’t see anything happening yet. What does this mean? Does it take long to react or does it mean the lesions are something else or not that bad? Confused! Thanks everyone… 

    • Sorry I haven't had personal experience of this cream as mine skin cancers had to have surgery.  My friend has used the cream and did see results quickly as before it gets better think it makes the lesions worse, but the end result was good.  Hope someone else in the group may be able to help you further. Good Luck.  I am 73 never really sunbathed, never been on a sunbed and used sun cream always. I have had 2 basal cell cancers on my face and told I will more than likely get more as you are more ptone to them once you have had one.
  • Thanks for that response Harlyn. Yes I’ve heard it gets pretty bad before it gets better. I’m just wondering when the pretty bad bit will be! Sorry to hear about your face even though you’ve been so careful - hopefully no more of them.  Have a lovely day 

  • Hi

    I've just had a surgical removal of a basal cell on side of my nose.

    At my last wound review last Friday I pointed out a tiny red area on my nose and after looking through the dermascope the consultant said he thought it was a small area of sun damage that would clear up with efudix.

    He said the area would become red and inflamed possibly crusty if there was anything there, but I'd need to use it twice a day for four weeks.  I think in some cases it can take time to work.

    I'm not starting it for a couple of weeks as I'm away but once I do I'll post on here how my skin reacts to it.

    I've also been told I may get more basal cell as once your skin is damaged the damage is done.

    He also told me to wear factor 50 sunblock, a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses.

    Once we've been diagnosed with sun damage we really do have to be careful.

    Hope you get on ok with the cream and please let us know how it goez

  • Hello,

    Your reaction to the Efudix is completely normal.  It takes a while before you notice any effects at all and at first only minor.  By week three or four the effects become more pronounced and for a few days, but only a few days, really rather unpleasant.  I have used the cream three times and found it to be very effective and well worth a few days of extreme discomfort.

    Good luck!


  • Thanks Bill… it’s been a week and a half now and I can see it’s starting to go a bit red so hopefully working.. Thank you for your reassurance - I’ll let you know how it goes …

  • Thanks.  Just to labour my point, I think some people, having seen lurid pictures and read some accounts, are under the impression that applying Efudix means three or four weeks of agony.  This is far from the case as it takes so long for the cumulative effect of the cream to start to work.  On the other hand, there is no denying that for a short period of time the effects are very unpleasant.  This is not surprising given what we are asking the cream to do - that is destroy the precancerous cells.  It is, after all, a chemo cream.  I believe that if it stops the chance of these sun-damaged cells developing into cancers these few days of discomfort are fully worthwhile.  As I said, I have been prescribed it three times and it has worked every time.

    I'd be interested to hear if your experience is similar.  I hope everything goes well.


  • Yeah I must admit that once I was prescribed the cream I went straight to Google and the photos are horrendous. Luckily I have none on my face and a few on my chest. I will def let you know how I get on