Actinic keratosis possible Bowens

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  • 35 subscribers

I was referred to dermatologist with a small red, rough lesion on my face and a larger one on my lower leg. He diagnosed both of them as actinic keratosis- grade 1 on face and grade 3, possibly Bowens on leg. Efudix was prescribed with the instructions to use for a month and re refer if not cleared up. He would have surgically removed the leg one but I thought it better to try the cream first. I did an e-consult with my gp to get the referral, who responded that it would be reviewed on 6th, now two weeks ago. I rang the GP yesterday to be told that nothing had been done ! I have had a phone call this morning and am being referred again. She asked me if anything had changed with them and, this may sound odd, but I’m racking my brains, and eyes, to remember what they looked like before. The face one has a small crust on and the leg still a bit rough but both have reddened. Until I researched Efudix online I wasn’t aware how it would work. What I have seen, and I shouldn’t do Dr Google, I know, is nothing like mine. My other problem is that I have non Hodgkin’s lymphoma but am not immuno suppressed, which could be linked to the lesions. Thanks for reading. 

  • Hi, I have Bowen's Disease and I have to check my skin regularly. I always find it helps to take photos of lesions and measure them. That way you can monitor any changes in shape, colour and size. The  photos help the Consultant too when it comes to treatment. I find that they redden when expose to the sun which is not recommended of you have Bowen's. 

  • Thank you so much TMO. I think I’ll find out whether it’s definitely Bowens on my next hospital visit. The lesions have reddened with the Efudix treatment. The facial one has a slight crust to it byt the leg is barely crusted. This is 6/7 weeks into treatment. Doesn’t help because I play tennis byt I’ll have to remember to cover them or administer 50 sun cream. 

  • I meant to ask what treatment do you have ? Thank you. 

  • I meant also to ask what treatment do you have ? 

  • I had 2 removed by cryotherapy and large lesion on my knee was surgically removed. This lesion  had developed into a squamous cell skin cancer, I had this lesson for quite some time before I seeked medical  advice. It wasn't until it started to ulcerate and bleed  in cycles that I went to the doctor's. He contacted the Dermatology dept and within 3 weeks it had been removed.  I was told then that I had Bowen's Disease. Now  if I get anything new that doesn't go within 6 weeks I get it checked out.  So far all my sites of Bowen's are ok and have not developed into anything more. 

  • Thank you for your info. The lesion on my leg was treated 3 years ago with cryotherapy but It’s never bled and only reddened up a few months ago. It was the facial one that sent me to the docs as it didn’t feel right. But it’s small. So I mentioned the leg too. Line you, I’ll have to be more aware. And I’m a tennis player so spend a fair amount of time outside. Got 50 factor sun screen now !