BCC Diagnosis struggle.

  • 5 replies
  • 35 subscribers


It made my day finding this forum. I’m 40 years old and I was diagnosed with a BCC a little under a month ago on my forehead.

Before the biopsy and confirmation the consultant said she was certain it was BCC and sat and explained the Mohs procedure there and then which was helpful. So I think I was expecting it.  Then when the letter came confirming it I didn’t really react.

Going back to the very first GP visit (before the consultation) the GP said that it looked cancerous, but said nothing else and I came away feeling very anxious thinking the worst. I didn’t even know that there were different kinds of cancer. 

Perhaps I shed all my emotions there and then and now that I know what it is I have nothing left.

I feel as though I’m in limbo. Still have no date for surgery, so that might be why. I just feel nothing. Not that I’m ignoring it, it’s on my mind every day.

Has anybody had a similar experience? 

Thanks for letting me blurt this out.


  • Hi Jack welcome to the group. This site has been my life line over the last 6 months.  I have had 2 basal cell cancers on the my. I had one operated on with a skin flap in January. This one was by the side of my nostril just above my lip. The second one was more nasty I had a skin graft operation on that one in March. Both done by a plastic surgeon.  When the stitches and dressings were first removed I was so upset by the sight of them, they looked awful, BUT 5 months down the line they are looking good and the best news is the surrounding skin is cancer free and I have been discharged.    You will get days you feel down and worried and then another day you will be fine and upbeat.  The thing we find in this group is people don't take skin cancers seriously and just think you have it cut out a couple of stitches and you are fine, this is certainly not the case.  We are all here to support you through your journey, ask whatever you need to ask and one of us will have felt like you do and will help you through it.  Are you having Mohs surgery for it.  I was offered it but went for just the straight forward excision and luckily the surgeon took enough away.  I am finding this hot weather is not good for me, I feel I am in lockdown again as we are all afraid of the sun, even though I wasn't and still aren't a sun worshipper.  I am 73 and was told at this age you are very likely to get skin cancer and possibly may get another as I have had 2.  Have you any idea when your operation will be.  Good Luck and feel free to message me anytime, I understand how you feel x

  • Hi Jack 22

    Welcome to the group and I'm sure you'll find it very useful and reassuring.

    Like Harlyn said you'll have good and bad days and that's perfectly normal.

    I've just had a basal cell cancer removed from the side of my nose which had been misdiagnosed for almost three years.

    I was offered mohs but the waiting list was ten months and as it had been there so long I didn't want to wait so long. My head and neck surgeon suggested slow mohs where they remove it and leave it open with just a dressing on it until they get histology back. This took two weeks.

    In the end I didn't have flap reconstruction as this part of the nose heals well with secondary intention. It's just about healed now.

    To say I was terrified is putting it mildly  but the surgeon and rest of staff were lovely and went our of their way to.put me at ease.

    Youll find this group invaluable so please ask anything that's bothering you

  • Hello Harlyn,

    Thank you for your message. Mohs surgery was the most preferred option according to the consultant. Based on where the BCC is in my hairline. No word yet on the operation. Could be a wait. Hope you’re well and handling this heat. 

  • Hello 

    Thank you for your message it’s nice to know there’s a place to come to chat. I was told that it’s likely the BCC had been there longer than I thought, but Mohs was the best option for it. Just waiting now. Did you have your surgery on the NHS? Hope you’re recovering well.

  • Hi Jack 22

    Yes it was on the NHS.

    We have a mohs surgeon at the local hospital but he said it would be a ten month wait and he felt a standard excision would clear it which it has done.

    I've got to have a couple of biopsies on tiny areas once I'm fully healed from this.

    The excision was done by a head and neck surgeon.

    Did they give you any idea how long you'd be waiting?