Temperatures are rising - tips of staying safe in the sun

  • 4 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I hope you don't mind me posting here this afternoon, my name is Rachel and I work as part of the Community team here at Macmillan. 

I wanted to get in touch this afternoon to let you know about our Cancer Information Team's latest blog on staying safe in the sun. 

With a heatwave hitting a large part of the UK at the moment, staying safe in the sun has never been more important. To read all about protecting yourself from the sun, click here to view the blog. 

Any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Community team at community@macmillan.org.uk

Take care, 

Macmillan's Community team 

  • Thank you Rachel for this.  I have had two recent basal cell cancers removed and am being so very very careful. Not going out of the house at the moment, but your information is very useful.  This site in general has been my lifeline. Thank you to the team for looking after us all. xx

  • Thank you Rachel

    Reminders are do important and watching the news over the past couple of days I've cringed to see so many people ignoring the sun warnings we've had.

    I've recently had a basal cell cancer removed from my nose and like Harlyn I've not left the house for two days.

    It's healing by secondary intention so it's an open wound 

  • Hi

    Thank you for your comment, I was sorry to hear about the two recent basal cell cancers you have had removed. That sounds like a lot to go through, and I am really glad that you have found us here on the Community for some support at this time. 

    Here on the Community team we appreciate that the heatwave is having an especially big impact on the cancer community and those going through treatment, or those who have been diagnosed with skin cancer - so we want to do all we can to help. 

    I'm glad you found the blog useful and I hope you continue to find the Community to be a place of comfort and kindness. 

    If there is anything further myself or the team can do to support you - please don't hesitate to get back in touch. 

    Take care, 

    Macmillan's Community team 

  • Hi

    Thanks for your comment, I was sorry to hear about the basal cell cancer you have had removed from your nose. I hope you know that our Community, and Macmillan, are here for you now and going forwards. 

    I hope your nose continues to heal and that you experiences some cooler temperatures today. 

    If there is ever anything myself, or the Community team, can do to support you - please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

    Take care, 

    Macmillan's Community team