Biopsy results

  • 2 replies
  • 35 subscribers

So I had biopsy for a skin mark around 4 weeks ago not heard nothing  then today received a letter for an outpatient app for end of May that's like 6 weeks away is this normal or does this mean its not urgent I thought had to be seen in 2 weeks if biopsy was positive. I'm stressing now. Initially when had photos and app they thought was a wart and froze it it fell off but In a week had regrown so they removed it and sent it for testing like I said that was 4 weeks ago and now not another appointment for 6 weeks time I don't know what to think I'm so stressed anyone else had to wait so long or shall I take this as a positive sign 

  • That sounds extremely stressful - is there a number you can ring to find out what the appointment is for?  They ought to be able to give you the biopsy results over the phone.

  • that does seem a long time to have to wait for your appointment. As Phenom suggests perhaps give them a ring to ask what your results are so you don't worry until the end of May.  Good Luck