basal cell carcinoma just diagnosed

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  • 35 subscribers

hi I have had a flaky/crusty bit of skin on my scalp for quite a few years now - maybe 4.  Had 3 different GPs look at it over the years and kept getting told it was sebborrheic dermatitis.  I finally went to a private dermatologist yesterday and was told it's a basal cell carcinoma, 2.5cm.  I am waiting to hear whether they can excise it at the clinic or whether it will need MOHS surgery.  I am really scared as I have had this for years and everything seems to say that over 2cm is high risk.  I am not sure what type it is - is it likely the invasive one or would i need a biopsy to find that out?  I am speaking with the consultant later today but want to be prepared with relevant questions.  Thanks for any advice.

  • I have just had a basal cell removed from side of my nose/face and due to have another removed from near my eye in March,  I was offered MOHS surgery but opted for skin flap which has gone well. Where the one near my eye is I am having a skin graft as can't had flap surgery there.  Go with Consultants advice, withy it being on your scalp you may get away without having MOHS and it can be removed.  Mine on the side of my face was quite large and the skin flap is settling down, but does take time.  Keep me posted how you go on and good luck, we are all here for you 

  • thanks!  It sounds like the surgery went well.  I am feeling confused and scared to be honest.  

  • know how you feel as I was a nervous wreck and crying all the time, but have settled down a bit more now.  Where do you live, what hospital are you going to.  I had mine done privately by a plastic surgeon because of the awkward places they both are.  I was offered MOHS but it seemed too much to cope with so elected for removal and skin flap/graft x

  • I am in Norfolk/Suffolk so the only way of having MOHS here is on the NHS, and I don't want to wait that long.  I am therefore looking for a private surgeon in London.  A few names have come up - Dr Steven, Dr Nisith Sheth and Dr Raj Mallipeddi. Unfortunately though the wait for an initial appointment is quite long - about a month, and I don't know if i can bear to wait that long.  Where did you have your surgery?

  • I live in Derbyshire and I saw a dermatoligist at Nuffield hospital in Derby.  He took one look and said I want a good job doing on that and referred me to a top plastic surgeon from Nottingham. Omg what a man he is too I have been so lucky. He is top plastic surgeon at Queens Hospital in Nottin gham and chairman of plastic surgery for East Midlands.  Mine have been done with locals at Nuffield hospital and took about an hour and a half and then I went home, stitches out a week later. I was terrified as never been in hospital before. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be freezing injections were the worst and then he just got on with it x

  • That sounds great.  How large was yours?  I think they said mohs because of size of it and because scalp can be difficult to close up the hole as no spare skin.

  • Hi m ine was 0.5 cm but they take a 2cm margin all around it when they cut it away .  You can have a skin graft on your scalp which would be ok. MOHS just take a smaller margin all around it but you have to wait for results and then they may have to take some more, so I opted for skin flap and skin graft for my next one as because 0f where it is situated like your scalp no extra skin to use for a flap.  Good luck and try not to worry too much, as I did, and looking back it isn't as bad as you anticipate. x

  • So you have another surgery coming up? I hope it goes well for you.  It seems like an eternity waiting for the appointment.  

  • yes 23rd March for the one neaar my eye, using skin graft from side of my face.  Keep in touch and hope all goes well for you 

  • Hi Harlyn, I live in Staffordshire,due to have what they say is BCC below my eye removed on 25/3. 

    My mother had what they termed a Rodent ulcer removed from her nose with a skin graft,unfortunately it returned 4 years later so they stretched skin from her forehead and rebuilt her nose,all done at Queens Nottingham many years ago. My sister had BCC on her nose, too removed with a skin graft.

    I have had no biopsy? Consultant said not necessary,she was 100% its BCC. I've been waiting since June 2021.

    My question is how far is your from your eye lid? Mine is approx 1" below my bottom lid. I asked if it would be a graft,she said no so I'm hoping its going to be mohs? Dont worry,I'll ask before she starts!