
  • 4 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi can anyone give me information on this condition and around Nhs waiting times for this. A close relative has just been diagnosed. Appreciate any information as this is causing extreme anxiety and worry. Thank you. 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the online community

    I don't have any personal experience with dermatofibresarcoma so I searched the group to see if anyone else had mentioned it but drew a blank I'm afraid.

    I have found this information for you from the British Association of Dermatologists about dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) and, if this is the same as the 'dermatofibresarcoma' that you mention, hope it helps.

    The best person to answer any questions about waiting times and treatment would be your relative's SCNS (skin cancer nurse specialist) as she will have access to current wait times in your relative's area of the country. 

    From looking at the information leaflet it would appear that it's initially treated in the same way as a basal cell carcinoma, ie removal either by simple surgery (which I've had) or by Mohs surgery.

    Do come back and let us know what treatment your relative will be having as we might be able to help further.


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  • Thanks Latchbrook that’s really helpful. I don’t think a specialist nurse has been appointed as yet. We have just been told to wait for a letter/call. I will come back when we hear further. 

  • That's okay. I just presumed that as your relative had had a diagnosis they would have been assigned a SCNS.

    Tell your relative not to be afraid to chase up the appointment if they haven't had a letter or phone call after the time they've been told to expect one. If they don't have a SCNS yet then a phone call to their consultant's secretary will allow them to find out what's happening.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • That’s great thanks, I have said we need to chase if we don’t hear. So worrying, but grateful for your replies x