BCC - Really struggling to cope

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So this post feels a bit ridiculous as I know generally BCC is not serious. But I'm really struggling to cope. Had it diagnosed off the top of my head in Sept and removed fully after 2nd procedure in Oct.

Now had confirmed that a spot on my nose is a BCC and will likely need MOHS Surgery. And I've been struggling to cope since then 

I think I'm mostly concerned about what the future holds. I've read that there's more chance of skin cancer retuning and also that it increases my chance of having other cancer types (we have breast cancer in the family). I'm 40 and only recently got married,I have 3 children,the youngest being 18 months. I can't help but think on my darkest days,what if ...what if it come back/spreads/ I get something else. I'm on the waiting list for counselling but haven't heard anything yet.

I've been very lucky in that I've gone private for the procedure on my head but I can't really afford the Mohs surgery privately. Either way,I'm looking at a wait of a few months before this thing is out/off my body. And I don't think I'll really be able to start looking forward until then. I'm finding work really hard,I'm finding life in general at the moment overwhelming - had a panic attack on Sun in Sainsbury's whilst doing the shopping. I don't know what's happened to me. Everything I read about this diagnosis makes me feel I should be dealing with it. But I'm just not.

  • Are you concerned about the future in the sense that you might not be around to see your kids grow up etc? If you're the sort of person who feels better knowing facts, figures etc (I am basically like this) then it might help to read about the medium and long-term survival rates of people who've had BCC's removed - basically they are very good! Hardly anyone loses their life from a BCC that is caught in reasonable time, and Moh's surgery has a VERY high success rate. So the odds are most likely on your side with this one.

    I also have BCC on my nose so in a similar boat to yourself, but having learned more about it, talked to people etc I feel a lot less worried about it. I can't exactly say I'm looking forward to the operation but I actually have few worries about the "after" part or whether I'll be around in 10, 20, 30 years etc. So whilst no form of cancer is "good", BCC is actually very treatable and most people make a full recovery from it. You'll probably be at higher risk of it again in the future but I'm pretty sure you'll be checking every spot, mole and mark from now on so any future issues are likely to be caught early (and therefore are likely to be easier to deal with). :-)

    Ps - there is no right or wrong way to deal with things like this so I don't think you need to feel you "ought" to be dealing with it, but the counselling is a good idea if you think it will help. Just remember the odds, the medical science, your social network, are all on your side. :-)

  • RICH_R makes a hood point that BCC is very treatable. The surgeons can get it out and you dont have to worry about it. 

    Going forward. Take good care of your skin. Avoid too much sun, use sunscreen. If you find scaly spots, have the dermatologist freeze them off. There is also a topical creme called efudix that can help clear up AK spots. Check with your dermatologist on all of this of course. But you can Iive a full, active worry-free life knowing you have an arsenal of weapons against complications. You got this!

  • Hi yes I've actually being prescribed Efudix as well (to remove the kerotosis spots I've got on my face). Waiting until after my Moh's surgery though before using it (Moh's scheduled for Jan 2022 - going private so costing me £3.5k but rather pay for it and have it done sooner as the NHS waiting list is up to 2 years!)

  • I remember the first diagnosis of SCC. The doctor said I needed surgery to remove Squamos Cell Carcinoma. All I heard was, "You've got CANCER!!" I was 35 years old, recently married and thought my life was doomed. I got drunk and called my sister crying. Well, the doctors snipped it. Clear margins and it never came back. I am now 66 years old and have had several other BCC and SCC removed over the years with zero complications. I am no doctor,  but dont worry, they numb it up and snip it out. Gone forever. You are in control of your life, your attitude, so fill your life with love and purpose. You'll look back and laugh at your worries like I do mine. 

  • I was already prepared for the biopsy result - it was pretty obvious it was some sort of skin cancer due to the way it presented (a sore that didn't heal). Wouldn't mind surgery with wide margins if it wasn't on my face. It's on my nose though so Mohs with narrow margins is best option. Be better if I didn't have to borrow money to pay for it but I'm not prepared to wait for the NHS to do it!

  • You'll be happy with the results. My Dad had MOHS on his nose and it looks great. Definitely worth the money. Better to get it early because these things are unpredictable and if you have to wait 2 years because there's a waiting list, that is worse than senseless. "Healthcare" should have the patients health and care as the first priority. It should NOT be that he public can't afford to care for the health of each other. Don't get me started...there are certain people who are left to suffer - even die - because their healthcare would be too expensive or the system wont hire the doctors needed. Sorry, but that is not healthcare, it's budget management at the expense of healthcare.