Just diagnosed with a BCC

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  • 35 subscribers

So Friday I was diagnosed with BCC by a dermatologist at the hospital and waiting for the appointment for removal, I'm so worried and feel sick that it's a form of cancer and what if it has spread? I know BCCs don't spread but I'm so worried and feel strange! I don't know what's going on in my head but I can't get that out of it.. I get married in a few days and I have also just found out I'm pregnant so maybe my emotions are all over..but doctor said he cannot wait until I've had the baby to remove it he wants to get it out now. 

I feel stupid for worrying and I feel stupid for feeling down but I just can't get the what it's out my head... 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    Congratulations on both your upcoming wedding and baby!!

    There's no doubt about it that hearing the word cancer does have a huge effect on our emotions. Like you've said, even though BCC rarely spread you've still got the 'what ifs' going around in your head.

    Normally my advice would be to occupy yourself with things you like doing or meeting friends, etc so that you don't have too much time to think about the diagnosis but I guess you've got plenty to occupy yourself with organising the wedding and preparing for the birth of your baby Slight smile

    When you go to have the BCC removed ask how long it's currently taking to get results back in your area of the country, how you'll get them and where to ring if you haven't heard.

    I had a BCC removed in June and was told that I should have the results back within 6 weeks but to phone the consultant's secretary if I hadn't heard anything within that time. My results were back after 4 weeks and I received them by letter.

    By contrast, my husband had one removed earlier in the year at a different hospital and had the results back after a couple of weeks and was called in for a face-to-face appointment to be told.

    I hope you have a lovely wedding and do come back here to ask anything you want


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