Facial BCC 3 lesions

  • 3 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Mohs was 6/29 & same day cosmetic plastic skin flap surgery. Large face scar from eye brow going along side nose

to mouth in which this area is all still numb. My eye still swells in mornings & swells  along by side of nose is all day. Is this numb feeling 

still normal & swelling also being almost 1 month since surgery?  Also, surgeon plans to speak to me about non ablative laser treatments 

at end of August. With still swelling & severe numbness would I really be a candidate for laser treatments? Has anyone else had after 

cancer surgery facial laser treatments? Your experiences please would be greatly helpful. Thank you 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I haven't had the same surgery as you but when I had a wide local excision (WLE) for melanoma the area around the wound was numb for quite a long time, definitely for longer than a month.

    The feeling did gradually return and my skin cancer nurse specialist (SCNS) advised me, when I went for a check-up two weeks after the operations, to massage the area a couple of times a day with E45 or similar. She said this was both to help improve the appearance of the scar and to also 'teach' the skin to feel again. The wound was on my arm and about 6 inches long and is now barely visible and I no longer have a numb feeling. 

    The swelling from the area, and also from where I had a sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB), had largely subsided at my check-up but hadn't gone completely. I can't remember how long it took to go, as this was 4 years ago now, but we all heal at different rates. If you are at all concerned with how the healing process is going give your SCNS a call, if you've been allocated one, or the number you should have been given in case you wanted to ask any questions. 

    I have not had facial laser treatment but found these previous posts for you to have a read through. You could reply to any of the posters if you think they might be able to help you further.

    Let us know how your appointment with the surgeon goes.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Latchbrook, Thank you for reaching out & sending me 2 facial cancer members experiences. Very helpful. Hopefully

    one will befriend me. It's a very large facial scar in which 3 BCC's were extracted. Very self conscious as one can not hide their face. Happy for you that your scar is barely noticeable presently but took 4 yrs ugh. Hope that I will have future good minimization of my scar and this cancer group will give me direction for this.Thank you for your time in sending me the 2 e-mails. If any more from face cancer please send.

  • Hi 

    I've just had a look at the link I've sent you and there were 35 posts, not two, although they might not have all been to do with laser treatment to the face as I didn't look at them all. You will need to reply to them if you want to ask anything as they will not be aware of you looking at their posts.

    Sorry, I probably didn't explain properly but it didn't take 4 years for my scar to become barely visible, I meant that I couldn't remember how long the swelling took to go down as my operation was 4 years ago.

    There is a charity called Changing Faces that have a skin camouflage service which aims to reduce the appearance of scars. Click on the link to read about it and how to access their services.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"