Nose biopsy anxious

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  • 34 subscribers

I am having a biopsy taken from my nose on Monday. The skin around my nose and cheeks is very raw as I have been applying efudix cream for past 6 weeks.  This was my second application but Dermatologist now wants to take biopsy to see what’s happening underneath.  I am anxious as she said the injections are painful and heard I may have black eye given the biopsy is near my eye   I  addition worry as to what scarring I will have.  I am pale skinned with lots freckles and worried sick what they are going to find.  

I read that the efudix cream brings up scabbing in potential cancerous cells so given the extent of scabbing that came out does that mean I should be worried. 

Sorry going on a bit but feeling sick right now. 

  • Hi, I've just read your post - you must be having your biopsy today, so I hope it wasn't too bad. I had one near the eye as well but didn't end up with a black eye. I had three stitches after, and have a scar, but it is fading all the time and isn't very noticeable now four months later, though you notice it in the first two months. The good thing about having the biopsy is you will know for sure what's going on, and therefore what is the best treatment for it. Hope it went ok.