Lump in neck scc diagnosed waiting on scan results

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  • 35 subscribers

Hi just over a week ago I was given the news I had scc , it has presented with a lump on the right side of my neck which I've been told it's a lymph node, had the biopsy and told scc and they are looking for the primary,  I've had a CT scan which they've said hasn't shown up anything now I'm waiting for a PET scan, I'm worried sick a lymph node that's bad right ? They are thinking the primary is in the head neck region but ordered a full body PET scan, mind gone wild has this spread all over my body am I terminal I'm really struggling with the waiting...has anyone else had anything like this please

  • Hi Amanda,

    The waiting is the worst part, once you know what you’re dealing with and the treatment plan ahead you’ll find great strength and deal with it. Like you I felt a lump in left side of my neck, I thought it was a swollen gland but it was in fact the lymph node, and after various tests, biopsies and a full body PET scan I was diagnosed with left neck SCC with Unknown Primary. The PET confirmed that there was no cause for concern elsewhere in my body, but my Primary has still not been found.  My diagnosis was in June 2020 and I started my treatment 8th July 2020 and finished it the middle of August. 

    Can I suggest you join us in the Head and Neck Group where you will find lots of members who are in a similar position and will be able to support and talk you through the process ahead particularly once you e got your final diagnosis.

    Hope you get your results soon, stay positive and have faith in your medical team

    Best wishes


    • Thankyou for your message, you have given me a little hope, I will join the head and neck group wasn't sure where to join its hard to get your head around skin cancer on the inside, I've not really got anyone to talk to my husband is so distressed over it he thinks I'm gonna die and won't talk about it and although I've told my children I don't want to worry them so I'm putting on a brave face, inside I'm breaking I'm barely functioning,  fingers crossed results soon.
  • Hi Amanda66

    Glad to see you’ve joined the Head and Neck Group. Just spotted your post on there. As I mentioned there’s lots of us on there and such brilliant support too. Everyone will help you get through this. Big girl knickers on. Much love xx