Recently been diagnoses with a Basal Cell Carcinoma

  • 9 replies
  • 36 subscribers

My skin cancer is on the bridge of my nose. I was given three options to remove it. Surgery and radiotherapy or radiotherapy or removed and skin graft.

I chose the radiotherapy only as there is so little flesh around the area. But to be perfectly honest it sounded less invasive.

I would hope to share my experience with others who may be experiencing something similar. I known it described as the most common etc. 

Feeling quite anxious Worried

  • Hi and welcome to the skin cancer group

    Basal cell carcinoma might be the most common form of skin cancer but the thought of having treatment doesn't make this any less an anxious time.

    I've recently had surgery to remove mine so I can't help with any experiences of radiotherapy. However, I'm tagging into my reply to you as they have recently had radiotherapy treatment on their face and hopefully will be able to share their experience with you.

    Do you have a date for the start of treatment?


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Craftlover - sorry to hear you have a BCC, but it's great that your getting treatment for it.

    I had an invasive BCC on my cheek, and was recommended to have radiotherapy as it has a similar success rate to surgery and leaves less of a scar.

    I had the treatment in early January, 10 daily sessions over two weeks, and it was under lockdown so I had to go on my own. After the initial session it only takes about 10 minutes a day, and by the end I had a large, deep red circle on my cheek. Over the next month it gradually oozed and scabbed and looked horrendous for a week or so, before all the crusting fell off and there was pink normal skin underneath. The consultant and radiotherapy team were lovely and always took the time to answer any questions and reassure me.

    It took a few more months before the redness faded, but now all I have is the biopsy scar (tiny) and a slight dent where the invasive tissue was. I now use factor 50 sunscreen every day as the area treated can be affected by the sun.

    I hope your treatment goes well, do get in touch if you would like to chat about it. It's a nerve-wracking time but I am very happy with my treatment and the outcome, I hope you will be too.

    Di x

  • Thank you for your kind and reassuring words. It's helped me alot.

  • Thanks for the support I go next Monday the 12th July with my covid test. Hopefully it should be clear as I have continued as near as it is possible to self isolate.  Then I have an appointment on the Wednesday so hopefully they will give me a start treatment date for radiotherapy sessions.

    Feeling pretty apprehensive today, I also have arthritis which has flared up over the weekend.

    Hate moaning and trying to bottle my feelings up, no matter what my personal circumstances are not going to disappear just because I have this cancer. So I am today as low as I think you can get.

    So thank you again for the opportunity to share.

  • Hi

    How are you doing today? I was sorry to read how low you were feeling yesterday but it's normal to have up and down days. 

    I had a home Covid test to do before my recent surgery which I then had to take to the hospital before self isolating for 3 days. Thankfully it came back clear but, to be honest, I'd have been surprised if it had been positive as, like you, I'd been super careful.

    Let us know how your appointment goes on Wednesday and remember, you can come on here at any time for a rant. No one here will judge you and you can say exactly how you feel and what's worrying you. I'm not saying that any of us will have the answer but sometimes it helps to just write things down.

    Sending (((hugs)))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you I will let you know how things go.

  • I visited the radiotherapy department yesterday and was going to start my radiotherapy treatments on Monday. But it seems because of the melanoma is high on the bridge of my nose, I am more likely to get an increase of splatter into my eyes and tear ducts. 

    Also a common side effect is the gunk in the nose can be cleared by blowing the nose, however I will have problems clearing it from higher up the nostrils.

    So I am now going to be referred for surgery, to see if its an option. Hopefully that will happen soon. 

    There were people there who were very poorly it puts a whole new perspective on life. Part of the journey, a journey supported by wonderful hospital and support staff. 

  • Hi Craftlover - I'm sorry to hear your radiotherapy can't go ahead due to the position on your nose. I did get some v sore ulcers inside my mouth when I had my radiotherapy, but I was able to put Bonjela on my gum.  Not possible in your sinuses, unfortunately! 

    There are quite a few people who had surgery on their nose, and we're happy with the result. Of note, Hugh Jackman has had several BCCs on his nose, and is still v easy on the eye! I hope your appointment for the surgery comes through soon.  Sending hugs and positive vibes x

  • That must have been very disappointing to hear that where your BCC is isn't suitable for radiotherapy .

    I'll second Didi60's remark that although Hugh Jackman has had several BCCs removed from his nose he's still 'easy on the eye'!

    Let us know how you get on with the surgery referral


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"