BCC diagnosed yesterday

  • 2 replies
  • 35 subscribers

I went for my COVID jab last week and had noticed a red 'blister' which had suddenly appeared on the top of my shoulder.  The nurse called in the Dr who looked at it under a magnifying glass and referred me to the emergency dermatology clinic.  I was seen yesterday and the consultant said it was BCC and it needed to be removed surgically.  They told me the usual - it's the best cancer etc etc  - slow growing etc etc.  But I lived in Madrid for 17 years and am fair skinned so I guess I am now paying the price for all those sleeveless tops.

However, as I told the Dr yesterday, that is exactly what I was told when I had 'carcinoma in-situ' in my breast 10 years ago - only it wasn't it was grade 3, HER2++, invasive cancer and I had to have 18 months of treatment.    I am waiting to go back to the same hospital for an intervention for changing cells on my cervix. 

I am going to see the same guy privately (for speed).  Just wondering what to expect?



    Hi Carol and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to read all that you've been through over the years and that you're now waiting both for treatment for changes to cells in your cervix and a removal of a BCC.

    When you have your BCC removed you will be given a local anaesthetic injection close to the site. The surgeon will then cut around and below the BCC in the hope that they get 'clear margins' first time, ie they get all the cancerous cells out with a few millimetres all around showing no cancer cells. 

    The lesion will then be sent off to the pathology labs for them to examine it. It can take anything from 2-6 weeks to get the report back at which point the consultant will contact you to let you know what it was and if they were successful in obtaining clear margins.

    You should be told how long before you need to get the stitches removed and where, usually your local GP practice, and how to care for the wound before and after the stitched have been removed. If you're not told how long it should be before you get your results then ask and also, if not offered, get the phone number of where you should call if you have any questions.

    Do you have a date yet for your surgery?


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  • Hi Carol

    How did your appointment with the private dermatologist go and have you had treatment for the changing cells in your cervix yet?


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