Choice of treatment for superficial BCC on face

  • 20 replies
  • 38 subscribers

I have recently been diagnosed with superficial BCC on my face, on a cheek about 1 cm from my eye. I had a punch biopsy done, and received the diagnosis by letter. The letter did not explain what 'superficial' meant in this context, but I have since looked it up and I understand this is a bcc spreading near the surface, and is on the scale of things fairly good news. The letter said I would need treatment because it had spread beyond the limits of the biopsy, and that I would have an appointment to discuss further treatment, which would 'not necessarily be surgical'. From this I understand that it could be surgical, but might not be. I have read about all the possible treatments that might be appropriate for superficial bcc, and there seem to be many. I am wondering if I am going to be offered a choice of treatment at this appointment, and if so, I am concerned I may not have sufficient information to make a good decision on the spot. Also I am puzzled why they don't just say it will be surgical, or it won't. Does anyone have any experience of being offered a choice, and how well informed were you when you made that choice? My appointment is in a week's time (the biopsy was 5 weeks ago).

  • Yes. I have to wait another month now, and am worried that the next appointment may be just as bad, as it is in the same place.

    Would you expect a dermatologist to discuss surgery options with you as well as other treatments? I received my diagnosis of bcc by letter and the leaflet I received with it said surgery was the usual treatment. I do understand in my case other treatments may work as well, but I expected to have a discussion about what would be medically best. Do I have unreasonable expectations?

  • I don't think you're unreasonable at all! I found when I had difficulties with my consultant an email stating I was unhappy and why, and dropping dark hints of further action, galvanised them into action!

    A dermatologist should be able to advise you on any appropriate treatment for skin lesions, including surgery, and be willing and able to answer any questions.

    If you can't persuade the clinic to see you sooner a month isn't long to wait. Hope you have a more professional doctor next time,

    Di x

  • Hi, I had a recent dermatologist appointment after having a skin lesion for around 5 years. I have had 2 GP,s and a further 3 dermatologist appointments saying nothing to worry about. However recent dermatologist appointment said biopsy was needed and I am in total shock. The appointment was less than 5 mins long, I was sent for imaging and MRSA swabs. The whole thing was very efficient and over within 10 mins, but I was shell shocked I nearly completely crumbled when getting the imaging done. I can't process it as I don't know what to process nothing was explained. I completely sympathise with you, as patients we are not in control when in medical appointments and it's not until afterwards you think what just happened?

  • Hi Luky, I am following your post with interest as I have an appointment for assessment for a probable BCC next week.

    mine is near my eye and looks superficial also but spreading. I have had a provisional diagnosis from a photo taken and reviewed by a dermatologist a few months ago. 

    it’s the waiting which is so frustrating and I would be upset and annoyed if I was given the information you have been. 

    I have just completed treatment for thyroid cancer and had two biopsies last year that were in conclusive so had to have surgery to diagnose the cancer. It was 6 months before I had an answer. I will be letting the dermatologist know that I won’t accept being messed around with- or I hope I can on the day!

    It difficult when the lesion is on your face. I work in health care and worried how it will look to patients I visit when I have treatment. I’m far from being a model and I’m in my 50s but I don’t want to look like I’ve been in a slasher film.

    Take someone with you to your next appointment or ask for another one to explain fully. Do you have the contact details for a specialist nurse? 

    I do hope you get some support with this. 
    Perhaps talk to someone from Macmillan? 

    I will post how I get on next week. Blush

  • Hi thank you so much for your reply.My lesion is also next to my eye on my temple. I was a nurse and left the NHS in January 23 due to having arthritis in my knee so you think I would know what to ask etc. I had my husband with me at the appointment but he was just as shell shocked as me.

    It's all so impersonal but I am clinging onto the fact the consultant said he couldn't see anything of concern. I don't normally dream but I am having dreams about telling others about my biopsy so yeah it is worrying me.

    I was never given a definite diagnosis but the lesion was thought to be a sun spot. Internet searches have clarified for me it is probably a superficial spreading melanoma however no professional has ever mentioned the word melanoma to me 

    I'm not to concerned regarding scaring ATM but I'm sure I will be if it all needs removing I have mentioned to my husband I don't want to be wearing my bottom on my face Rolling eyes

    I wasn't given any support contact numbers but I guess they will follow depending on the results.

    I am sorry you are going through similar problems you sound like you have been through the mill a little.

    Please let me know how things go Fingers crossed

  • Hi everyone  I understand all your concerns  I had 2 basal cell cancers removed from my face 2 years ago.  One near my nostril but on my face, removed with skin flap surgery.  The second was at the top of my nose right under my eye and up as far as the tear duct.  This one required a skin graft surgery, skin taken from the side of my face by my ear  Dermatologist referred me to plastic surgeon as said he wanted a good job making of them.  Fornuately I was in Bupa and had them done privately by the most fantastic plastic surgeon you could possibly want to meet.  Explained everythong drew diagrams, was so so kind.  I had them done about 8 weeks apart  The one near my eye was nasty and I thought the graft hadnt taken.  It had but looked awful until the scabs started to come off and the skin merged in.  Yes I looked a mess for a few months, fortunately we were still wearing masks so could go out and not be seen.  Two years on the scars are barely visible even without make up, but the journey is hard.  This site and talking to people who had been through similar kept me sane.  Peoples reactions "its only skin cancer not too much to worry about" aren't very comforting  Yes it can be cured but the road to recovery is a tough one.  Please feel free to contact me if you would like to know anything else and I wish you the best of luck and I do understand xx

  • Thank you for your reply. I am so pleased to hear that you are doing well.

    I have my biopsy appointment through the post today for the 28th of  this month day case surgery. I was just wondering what the day will consist of. The appointment letter was literally just the appointment. I do need to ring the day before to confirm the appointment so I could ask then . I have been referred Durham hospital which is a good way from where I live, wondering if anyone has experience with Durham . 

    I am lucky my hair will hide some scaring as the lesion is on my temple but my goal is to get through this with a good recovery. 

    Take care xx

  • Thanks for both your replies. 
    mum going 09/08 to see plastic surgeon first appointment. It late afternoon on a Friday so don’t think they will do anything! 
    will let you know.

    I was having thyroid nodule biopsies this time last year and I feel I’m on a rollercoaster.

    You have the right to feel anxious, scared at the mention of cancer whatever type it is. 
    No one should say “ it’s only “! I’ve had that with my thyroid cancer diagnosis. 
    please be kind to yourself and look to some counselling- it has helped me - take care both of you and thank you. X

  • Hi Luky  When I had my first basal cell procedure done, the Consultant did the biopsy from the one near my eye at the end of the procedure.  It was just a quick numbing injection and then he took a punch biopsy and put 2 stitches in it.  Nothing compared with the skin flap I had just had.  Only took a few minutes.  He did tell me that sometimes doing a biopsy is enough and it doesn't need further treatment, but I wasn't so lucky as  had to have further surgery and skin graft, but actual biopsy was ok.  Let me know how it goes for you and good luck x

  • Hi,

    I also was diagnosed with superficial BCC on my face. Because it is this type I was elligible for Fotodynamic therapy. They offered me a choice between incision and this, but it mostly felt they decided for me that i could to FTD, which I'm happy with because they don't need to cut.