BCC queries

  • 13 replies
  • 38 subscribers

I have just been diagnosed with BCC and will be getting surgery hopefully in the coming weeks/months depending on the backlog due to Covid. I believe it doesn’t usually spread but my question is how long is a long time to be left untreated? I’m trying to work out when the BCC first appeared on my forehead and I’m estimating 3 years. It’s only recently though that it has become more irritating and has been bleeding at times. It’s about 6-8mm in size but could it have grown extensively underneath in this timeframe? How long does it have to be there before it could grow into bones etc? 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that you've just been diagnosed with a BCC.

    As you correctly say they are usually very slow growing which is why you sometimes have to wait months for them to be removed even without Covid getting in the way. Most people are probably like you and don't even realise they have a BCC for years before finally seeing a dermatologist. 

    I don't think I've ever come across any information that says how long a BCC would have to be left before it grows into the bones as it's so rare for them to spread like that. I've made a link here to BADs (British Association of Dermatologists) leaflet on BCCs but it doesn't mention it there either.

    Do come back and let us know when you have your surgery date through.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hopefully it will be excised with a margin around it and below it. Will then be sent off to the lab to check it out and make sure the margins are clear of any problems. If all is good on that then I suspect you will have regular check ups to ensure no further problems. I had a BCC and SCC removed at same time and margins were good on BCC but it was recommended that further surgery was undertaken on the SCC to get a deeper clear margin (had that surgery last Tuesday). Haven’t really thought about my BCC as the SCC is far more dangerous I believe.

    I had the SCC for about 6-8 weeks before excision, but have no idea how long the BCC was on my back as didn’t even know I had it there until dermatologist checked me all over after seeing the SCC. All the best

    ps I believe the target surgery time is about 6-8weeks for BCC.by the way COVID did not really have any effect on my treatment times. I opted for private initial treatment as the cost wasn’t massive and wanted the SCC removed asap, the follow up was with NHS.

  • Thanks very much for the advice and information. Yes hopefully it won’t have had a chance to grow out of control already and it won’t be too long before I can get the surgery! I’m a bit paranoid now about other things on my skin but I’ll get them all checked out just for peace of mind!

  • Thanks for the advice and sharing your story! I think I will try going private too just to get it done quickly. Despite it being there a few years already now that I know what it is I just want it gone now! 

  • A good idea to go privately.  I was messed around for four years by my so called specialist dermatology GP and a further one running a Tier 2 clinic.  I had no diagnosis from my GP, only that what I had was nothing and it was the Tier 2 GP who diagnosed a BCC.  However it wasn't, it was a rare melanoma that often looks like a BCC.  I had seen melanoma on my husband who had died of it and even I did not think it was melanoma!

    I don't mean to scare you at all, but if someone has said you have a BCC, is this diagnosis correct?  There must be the rare chance that they are not correct in their diagnosis. How can it be accurately diagnosed without it coming off.  For peace of mind get it removed privately and best of luck.  You don't need it bleeding on your forehead.

  • Thanks...sorry to hear about your ordeal! I was told my the dermatologist that it looked like a BCC but you’re right, until I get it removed I won’t know for sure! I’m also noticing something now which looks like the beginning of another one about an inch away. I really hope it isn’t!

  • Hi GDP21,

    The other posts are correct, BCC is very slow growing and rarely becomes locally advanced. However, most occur on the face which can lead to disfigurement if the lesions get too large. My dad grew lots of BCC and SCC and usually let them get too big (2-3 cm) before he had them removed. He had Moh's three times on different areas, and one graft. One time he had a course of SRT- superficial radiation therapy which is used when surgery is too difficult. Best wishes on getting your BCC removed! I sympathize as I too have Moh's surgery for BCC coming up 2/4/21. 


    Melanoma Stage 4
  • I just had a private consultation today and they weren’t entirely sure by looking at it whether it is a BCC or SCC. I’ve opted to go for private surgery next week just to get it removed more quickly as now I’m a bit more anxious about the possibility of it being a SCC which can spread further. 

  • All the best with your surgery next week and do come back and let us know how you got on and what it turned out to be.


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