Appointment next week

  • 3 replies
  • 34 subscribers

The biopsies came back positive, and the dermatologist referred me to a hospital out of the area where they do the MOHs surgery, she said the waiting list was long and I would wait ages, which suited me because I had an operation for bowel cancer at the end of February, and didn’t feel mentally able to deal with the removal of two bcc,s this year,  when I had the last two removed I found it terrifying. Now I have been given an appointment for next week, and maybe the operation, the following week, I know I can’t say no but, I can’t stop crying and am so scared.

  • Hello hutchm

    I can understand that this must be very upsetting, you have been through a lot this year already. Maybe see what they say at the appointment regarding when you will have the surgery. I sometimes find it helpful to write down some questions and I think it is perfectly normal to be apprehensive. You could tell the doctor about your concerns and see what they suggest. Can I ask if it is something in particular that is scaring you or the whole situation?

  • The whole procedure I find very scary, I have had it done twice now, also when you have it done by MOHs surgery you could be in the chair for hours, and also I am concerned with how it will look afterwards, because the first time I had it done I went privately because the waiting time was so long, and it doesn’t look good compared to other people who had the skin grafts.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to hutchm

    Hi Hutchm, I am so sorry that the results weren't good news. I completely get why you are terrified, I am waiting for results and am terrified about whether I will need more surgery. I don't really have any advice except to say that you have done this before so you can and will get through it, horrible as it is. And we will be here on the forum for you.