Fears and Frets - SCC

  • 2 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Hi everyone

I hope that you are all holing up well.

I have an appointment tomorrow for a biopsy on a lesion on my right cheek/ear. I first developed this around 18 months ago. Hardly anything to remark on at first just something my barber would remark on when shaving my head. I noticed it get slighty flaky and brought it up in an appointment with my GP. The GP said that he could see nothing. A little while later I noticed it had formed a scab and had an appointment with a different GP. He said it was an infection and prescribed antibiotics. I applied the cream but it never healed and seemed to grow deeper and redden, bleeding often with pillow cases marked and stained. I raised it again in July and was told it was pre cancerous and was prescribed Solaraze. It did nothing leading to a further GP appointment when I was told, immediately l, that he believed it to be a squamous cell carcinoma. And asked why I had done nothing to bring it up before.

Images were taken and I was contacted by a nurse practitioner who said that skin cancer was highly probable. In the meantime I’ve had ultrasounds and X-rays (awaiting results) of chest area due to breathlessness and chest dullness. Pains under armpits too. This might be a red herring however as it feels much like the COVID pains I had  in February. I don’t have COVID now but still some symptoms linger.

Up until February I had been seeing a psychiatric twice weekly for long-standing mental health issues.

And I’d made such progress. A promotion early this year and so much going well. And now this. I’m really struggling but feel weak and flakey for saying so. But my mental health has taken a hit. I feel that I just want the world to stop for a moment. I’m told that this would be bad for me and wouldn’t achieve anything. And I feel bad for wanting this.... before an official diagnosis and before when I might really need time off. And there’s the spectre of so much time off in the past for mental health reasons.

I feel terrified and ashamed of how I feel. I’m told that it’s only this and only that. And I try to convince myself that this is the best way to think. But it’s not how I truly feel.

Is this normal? Am I going mad? Should I just get a grip? 

  • HI . Sorry to have missed this until now.

    Please don't worry that you're going mad, or that your feelings aren't normal and that you should just get a grip! None of those things are true. It's frightening for all of us to be told that something we thought was nothing might actually be a kind of skin cancer, and it's perfectly natural to worry about what that might mean, and how it might be treated. The fact that you've been having counselling for long-term mental health problems until earlier in the year is sure to have just made it feel worse - that isn't your fault in any way, so please don't be hard on yourself.

    I'm sorry to hear that it took a while for the medics to work out that you needed some investigations, but the good thing is that you've reached that point now. I think from the date of your message that you may have had your biopsy today. If so, how was it? I hope it went well and that it wasn't too painful. (With mine (not a biopsy - they just removed my lesion thingy) the only painful bit was the local anaesthetic, but that pain only lasted for a few moments.

    I hope the other symptoms you've noticed are not related to the lesion on your face, and that instead they are related to the Covid you had earlier in the year (if you see what I mean). 

    Assuming that you've had your biopsy today, what did they tell you about how soon you might expect to get the results? It can vary a lot. I was told 4-6 weeks and so still haven't heard, but some people hear sooner than that. If your biopsy is instead tomorrow then do make a note to ask them when you might expect to get the results, and how - I was told it could be phone or letter or email (all a bit chaotic, to be honest, but these are particularly difficult times).

    The main thing is to try to stay calm, and to know that it's normal to be anxious. We all have been. This is a good place because we can share that anxiety and others who have experienced it can share their own experiences.

    Please come back as soon as you've had the biopsy to tell us how it went, and when you might expect to get your results.


    BP x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BikePiglet

    Aww thank you so much BP for taking the time to write such a warm and wise post.

    I had my biopsy on Monday which was completely painless. I actually feel better after it. It was the first time, since my appointment with my GP in September that I had been able to speak with someone face to face. The registrar explained that some appointments go straight to excision but mine did not because of the location and size of the lesion. He said that he would want to be absolutely sure before committing to an excision. which sounds fair enough.

    I asked if he could tell whether something is cancerous by looking at it. He said that yes, he could but that he couldn’t tell of severity/aggressiveness. I suppose I find this the most frustrating part of the process- that he must know but can’t say...yet.

    I also spoke about the length of time and failed attempts to get previous GPs to take notice of the lesion. He said the most important thing was that I was there now. True, but I won’t settle for this if I’m later told that it’s a difficult diagnosis.

    As for other symptoms... I did mention these at a work OH referral. The OH clinician said it sounds like long COVID. I mentioned this again to my GP but it was all very dismissive.

    Oh well! 5 weeks until the result (which could be other letter or telephone call) but with a treatment plan. The registrar spoke of excision/chemo creams/cryotherapy/lasers. So a wait until then.

    Thanks once again for your wise words. They really help.