Spot removed GP mentioned BCC

  • 3 replies
  • 36 subscribers

I noticed this spot during lockdown and realised it had been there a while, but because it was on my back forgot about it. Anyway I became aware it still hasn’t healed a few months later so contact my go. She gave me cream and said if it doesn’t heal she would remove it. 

So it healed and reappeared and didn’t go away with cream and I had my appt today. She decided to remove it and mentioned BCC, which she also said is benign. I am being treated for anxiety also. She definitely said no to squamous. Anyway it has gone off for biopsy and results back in a few weeks. 

Having read the forum most people seem to go to a dermatologist so I am a little confused and anxious as to why I haven’t?

thanks x

  • Many GPs are trained to remove lesions if they show clear features of not being melanoma or squamous cell carcinoma, they have a clearly defined border, are below a certain size and are not in a cosmetically sensitive area. So it is totally normal to have yours done by the GP.  People might see a dermatologist even if their lesion meets the above criteria if there isn’t a GP in their practice who has the specialist training.

    Hope that helps


  • Thank you, yes that helps. I meant to ask but completely forgot. She said the biopsy results should be back in about 3 weeks. 

    She said she was pretty sure it wasn’t squamous so fingers crossed that’s the case. It’s been a rollercoaster this year!

    sarah x

  • Hi

    I was wondering how you were doing and if you'd had your results back yet?


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