Basal cell

  • 2 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hello everyone fairly new to this but 3 months ago I got a spot on my chest didnt think anything of it thought it was a insect bite at first but it wouldn't go away but it is now a sore about 1.5cm wide  so I decided to get it looked at went to the local gp who confirmed it was a bcc 1 week ago. Today i got a letter to go see a specialist think its a plastic surgeon on the 14th September 11 days from now i am honestly worried I left it too long to see a gp about it as I havent been able to eat or sleep the past week how long is too long to get a bcc or scc treated before it becomes a serious issue.

Has anyone had a bcc or scc for longer than a year before you got treatment if so how did it go is a bcc something i should be very worried about


  • Hello. Hope that your app goes well on 14 September. It's very natural to be worried. I found myself in a similar situation for about a year with a skin lesion on my shoulder. Various trips to Dr's and creams later I was finally referred to dermatology who I saw in March. Dr said it was a bcc. I had the lesion removed on 18 June. It was fully excised so no further treatment. Good luck at your app. Please keep us posted. Here if you need to chat. 

  • Hi

    How did your appointment go with the plastic surgeon last week? Hopefully, he was able to answer all of your questions.


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