Suspected BCC

  • 7 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi, my GP thinks the lesion on my cheek is BCC and has referred me to a dermatologist. Ive had this patch of skin on my cheek for about 7 years now. A different gp told me it was eczema when it was much smaller so I thought no more about it. Its been getting steadily larger - it is now about 10mm and very very noticeable. I have been under an ENT dr for about 6 years for a sore/ulcer on the inside of my nose that doesn't heal and bleeds. He thinks its because of the immunosuppressant medication im on - I had end stage renal failure and had a transplant 2012. Im wondering if there could possibly be linked??

What will happen once I see the dermatologist? I'm quite anxious about it all with me having it such a long time with zero treatment 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    That's good news that your GP is taking this seriously and referring you to a dermatologist to find out what the patch on your cheek is. I don't have any medical knowledge, so I don't know if it could be linked to the medication you're on. Normally BCCs are caused by exposure to the sun or the use of sunbeds.

    When you go to see the dermatologist they will examine the area and, if they think it needs removing, you'll probably be scheduled for surgery. This is normally done under a local anaesthetic and the area removed sent off to the pathology labs to find out what it is. If you do have this done, ask how long the results are currently taking in your area of the country to be reported back and how you'll get the results, ie face-to-face or by letter/phone call.

    It's natural to be anxious, as you've had it for so long, but BCCs are usually slow growing, rarely spread and normally simple surgery is all that is required to get rid of them.

    Do you have a date to see a dermatologist yet?


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • hi, thank you for your reply. I haven't received an appointment yet as it was only a few days ago that the gp referred me. The immunosuppresant drugs im on make me high risk for skin cancer. I think its the unknown thats making me anxious. 

  • Hi

    I was wondering if you'd had an appointment through yet to see the dermatologist?


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember

    Hello Bella,

    have just seen your post. I’m not an expert but I can share my experience with you.

    I’d had a patch on my nose for at least 4 years which periodically would scab over. I thought it was just where I’d scratched the end of my nose and for some reason it wouldn’t heal. A small white patch developed which I assumed was just scarring. Then one day when I was putting make up on (not something I do often lol) and thought ‘ooh, that’s got bigger’, must have been something to do with the angle I was looking from. So I made an appt to see my GP who looked and said ‘I think you can probably guess what I’m going to say’. She wasn’t 100% sure whether it was BCC or Squamous Cell so I was seen within the two week deadline. 

    The appt with the Dermatologist wasn’t great, they had a backlog and were doing evening clinics and it was a bit like a conveyor belt. Quick look, yes, it’s a BCC and I’ll book you in for a biopsy.  This was last October.

    When I got the results I was told my case would be referred to a multi discipline team and was then informed that MOHS and reconstruction was the best option and I would be transferred to our regional ‘cancer centre’, luckily it is about the same distance as our local hospital but still about a 60 mile round trip - more of that later lol.

    I had my first appt with the Plastic Surgeon in February and it’s gonna be a big job! I need to have a forehead flap reconstruction which could take up to a year to achieve the best result. After my reconstruction I need to go back to plastics 2 or 3 times a week to have the wounds and dressings checked / changed, the 60 mile round trip is going to make that fun lol.

    I should have had the ops in April / May but of course that didn’t happen. I’m now due to have the MOHS on 13th October and the first stage reconstruction on the 14th so I’m keeping everything crossed!

    My Plastic Surgeon is lovely, I’ve got a good feeling about him so I’m hopeful the result will be as good as they can make it. He will have a bit of a laugh with you - he asked me if I normally have a fringe, when I said yes he chuckled and said it would at least hide the scar on my forehead lol.

    I had one day early one when I had an uncharacteristic wobble and found myself curled up in a ball on the sofa sobbing like a baby! Other than that I’ve been my usual overly optimistic self about it all. I can’t change anything, I’ve got good faith in my surgeon and what will be will be.

    Apart from the slightly terse Dermatolgist everyone has been really lovely when I’ve been at the hospitals so I think myself lucky.

    I hope you are as lucky as me xx

  • Hi, i have an appointment to go to plastic surgery clinic on 5th October. Thank you for asking. I will let you know what they say 

  • Hi, thank you for telling me your story. Gosh you've been through some with this havent you?! Fingers crossed everything goes well. Im due to be seen in plastic surgery clinic on 5th October so hopefully they will do a biopsy there and then. I will let you know how it goes 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Bella1976

    I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you x