Possible Basal Cell Carcinoma - Surgery to Remove

  • 7 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi All, 

First time posting here so I hope there may be someone able to share their own experience or advice with me. I'm not too sure how I'm feeling right now!

I've been to see a private consultant this morning who has advised I should have surgery to remove two possible basal cell carcinoma on my face and neck. 

I've had both for about 18 months - 2 years which started like spots and than have never gone away. They are only small but flare up, bleed lots, then heal and look like scar type lumps the rest of the time. 

GP has monitored for the last 6 months and finally recommended last week that they could be BCC and referred me to a dermatologist. I know the NHS have no appts at the moment so made a private appointment.

The consultant this morning said that although they do not cause immediate concern, but because they have been around for so long, it is likely they are BCC and would recommend getting them both removed. They are not obvious like many classic signs, but because of the timescales and my skin, hair, eyes, it's entirely possible that they are. 

He did say that if I wanted to wait a while and see what happens that's entirely my choice, as if there's a cancer to have, it's this one 'the good cancer' that won't spread. 

My concern is if I wait, they could become bigger and cause more scarring or damage in the future. 

Has anyone else had a similar situation and what did you choose to do? I am leaning quite heavily towards the surgery as soon as possible, however they could be something and nothing. 

I am relieved that they are nothing more sinister however not sure how I'm feeling about it all right now! A little shocked but reassured by the consultants comments not to lose sleep over it. It's still surgery on my face at the end of the day which is not pleasant to think about. 

Thank you

Kind regards 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been diagnosed with two possible BCCs. As your consultant has rightly said, BCCs are usually slow growing and very rarely spread so there isn't usually the same urgency to remove them as there is with other types of skin cancer. However, if they're not removed they will continue to grow and could form an ulcer, hence their old-fashioned name of 'rodent ulcers'.

    It's always difficult when the decision to have treatment sooner rather than later is given to us to decide on and the only advice I would give is to go with your gut feeling. 

    Do come back and let us know what you decide to do.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Good morning Latchbrook and thank you for your reply. 

    After a few days to reflect and some sound words from family and friends; I am keen to opt for the surgery as soon as possible. 

    I still think I'm in shock a little bit to be honest. I know like the consultant and many others have advised, it is one of the least worrying types of cancer, however it is still a type of cancer, and I'm now having to deal with that! 

    One of my main concerns is the surgery and scars. One is on my right cheek slightly to the right of my nose, and the other is on the right side of my neck. The consultant has provided costs for excision surgery and says this will be under local anaesthetic, and will take about 40 mins to an hour, with stitches for about 10-14 days after. 

    Has anyone else had this similar surgery and how was their experience? 

    Thank you 

    Kind regards

  • Hi

    I noticed that no one from the group has stepped forward to tell you about their experiences with surgery and scars so it might be an idea to start a new post asking about that.

    There are lots of people in the group who have had this operation so another idea would be to use the search bar in the group to look for previous posts on this topic.

    I presume that you're having this done privately, as you've mentioned costs, and most people in the group will have had their operation on the NHS. However, as usually the private surgeons also have a NHS practice there isn't likely to be any difference in the procedures and outcomes.

    Do come back and let us know how you get on.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi Latchbrook, 

    Thank you very much for you reply. 

    I am paying privately to have the surgery. 

    Surgery is on Thursday this week so I'm getting quite nervous now. 

    Would be good to get some advice from others regarding the procedure/aftercare so I will post separately, thank you for the tip. 

     Kind regards

  • All the best for Thursday and do come back and let me know how you get on.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi

    Just checking in with you to see how your operation went. I'm hoping it wasn't as bad as you feared and that you're not feeling too sore.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hiya

    My story sounds similar to yours. I had a spot that wouldn’t heal up which then looked a bit warty and kept bleeding. GP not too concerned and reluctant to refer me so I went private. My lesion was on my left cheek and I had it removed on 14th July. Glad I did as it turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma. Mine was quite painful a few days later (no one told me it wasn’t supposed to be) and when I went to get my stitches out, they were infected so I had a course of antibiotics. I had a further visit a week later to have the final dressing removed. It is now 5 weeks later and I have a linear scar that is just over 2cm long. It is a bit lumpy at the bottom and there is a little bit of redness around it but it doesn’t look too bad disguised with make up. I have been taking a photo on my phone every day from the same angle so when I am feeling a bit fed up, I can look at how much it has improved over the last 5 weeks. 
    I wish you all the best for your recovery.
