When can you start using suncream on a scar on your face

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I had a BCC on the side of my nose removed by escision and primary closure  6 weeks  ago.  It has healed very well, although sometimes it can look  red and the skin is raised at the end of  the scar nearest my eye. i tried using suncream two weeks after my op but ended up washing it off as it stung my nose. Since then I have just used sun cream on the rest of my face and covered my scar with vaseline.    I also wear a large brimmed sun hat,  as I can't stand wearing sunglasses very long as they rub against the scar.  We are going on a cruise to  Spain and Portugal at  the end of the week and I would feel happier if i could protect the whole of my face with suncream when we go out. Is it ok to use a factor 50 suncream for the face over the scar at this stage, or is there a special cream anyone could recommend while my scar may still be sensitive?  Also I have been applying moisturiser on the rest of my face at night as usual, but just using suncream in the day.  Can anyone tell me whether it is better to put moisturiser on first or apply it  over the sun lotion.  Many thanks.

  • I think these things are more prevalent with age.

    This is like a small lump.in corner near eye. It doesn't seem to have grown in a year but I suppose it could be underneath. The dermatologist said sometimes they take a wait and see approach but I could have it biopsied.

    Yours sounds nasty if it had visibly grown in six weeks 

  • I wished I had taken photos before of these things, took plenty whilst they were healing but none before as I can't remember what they looked like before I had them dealt with, and how long I had them.  i have two little lumps like a grain of rice and think they may be the start, and so it goes on xxx

  • I hope they're nothing Harlyn. Are you going to get them checked?

  • May ask Consultant when we go for hubby's check up in 3 weeks. Keep looking back on photos and think they have been there for a while. Think we just get obsessive once you have had one, like ours, which were nasty ones. xx

  • Hi Davina. You are absolutely right to use sunscreen from the first weeks after surgery. But there are nuances, the medics write that the sunscreen you apply to your skin should be renewed every 3 hours. I think that if you use a day cream and suntan lotion in turns, then you have to choose a day cream that is safe and does not contain dangerous preservatives, dyes, carcinogens and does not even smell, because it is applied on the scar. Scientists write that you have to be triple careful with the scar, especially in front of the sun and in contact with all kinds of substances

  • hi Magda. Thank you for your advice. I have been using a silicone gel on the scar for  nearly 4 weeks now (recommended by the dermatologist as my scar was raised) It has improved although still raised near my eye. Im a bit nervous about putting any gel too close incase it upsets my eyes. i have been using my usual moisturiser {Olay anti wrinkle} on the rest of my face. i hope to start using face creme and sun lotion on my scar again once i stop using the silicone gel. in the meantime I have been wearing a wide brimmed rain hat for protection! is it best to use an unscented moisturiser like simple over the scar? Also do you need to be careful which sun lotion you apply to that area as some of them must contain preservatives?  

  • Dear Davina. You are right that the cream should be unscented and, most importantly, absolutely simple and without any additives that can make the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet light, such as vitamin A (retinol), mustard oil and other ingredients that for example greatly accelerate and regenerate the formation of scars. Experts say that it is not safe to stimulate such scars. Honestly, I would double patch the scars. A wide brim hat is a very good solution, I go that way too. As for sunscreens and their ingredients, which ones can be carcinogenic and which ones can't, that's a tricky question, and I'm confused about it myself, although I'm trying to learn and try to figure it all out.  That such regenerating creams with zinc or panthenol - are they dangerous or not for scars and generally treated areas, I still can not understand and deal.  Hopefully you have had a good and safe removal of bcc without leaving a single cancer cell behind. I'm like you and after the actinic keratosis treatment, I'll be looking for a neutral cream and applying sunscreen on top of it.

  • Hi Harlyn 

    How are you and your husband doing?

  • We are ok thanks Puckettyboo. We go to see Consultant tomorrow afternoon. Roger's scar is almost gone you csn hardly see it just a tiny line like a hair.  Wished ours had been that good, but mine were  lot worse.  How are you doing now xx

  • Hi Harlyn

    I'm ok thanks. I've just a week to go with the cream.

    Still paranoid but I think i always will be. I'm dreading the surgeon discharging me in December.

    Hope things go well tomorrow

    Let us know