Hi, newly signed up. Interested to hear the opinions and advice from others diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.

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I’m coming to this group rather late in the journey compared with many others it appears.

So until the beginning of 2023 I was (I thought ) a fairly typical quite healthy 61 year old non smoker and not overweight. Just retired I was enjoying having the time for hobbies and interests.

So as is perhaps the case with many it was my wife who was proactive in encouraging me just to ‘go and get your psa checked’. Thought nothing of it then received result call from GP of 7.3.
So MRI scan recommended and results were that an area of concern had been identified.

So Biopsy recommended  in mid 2023. 
Follow up meeting confirmed low level PC

Until then I had naively never prepared myself to hear those words. I remember smiling and trying to almost dismiss as one of those things….

I left the meeting in the hospital and came out to a beautiful sunny day with everyone going about their business. Got back to the car and it started to hit home ’did I just hear that?’

We lost our Mother a year earlier to breast cancer and she was (at least outwardly) very stoic and matter of fact through all the operations and treatments.

I and my siblings would take her to appointments to the cancer hospital and now I find myself back in those same waiting rooms with my own issues quite ironic.

Moving forward a period of active surveillance was recommended with a number of psa tests at 3 month intervals (results ranging from 9.08 to 11.06).

Second biopsy performed May 2024 with psa remaining around 10 or 11.

So discussion then centred around treatment options with meetings with surgical and radiation experts.

As most here may agree neither option is very appealing but I know I need to make a choice. 
But I decide to kick the can down the road and try to enjoy the summer and think things through. 

I then ‘leave it until after Christmas’……..

So here we are in January and I need to grasp the nettle. My wife and I have come down in favour of prostatectomy but I have yet to make the call…

I hope my inaction doesn’t prove to be a big mistake. 

I’m planning to call tomorrow if I can get in the right frame of mind. 
I’m thinking it’s a long process of recovery and better sooner than later….

Ironically I feel well with none of the typical symptoms so it’s difficult to elect for a procedure with guaranteed side effects and an uncertain future.

If you have read this far thank you. Strangely it has been quite therapeutic to have a moan. 

I hope I will have the courage to make the call in the morning…..

best wishes to all who find themselves on this journey 

Thanks Rob

  • Hi Rob_ and a warm welcome to the forum, though I'm sorry you have to be here and you have prostate cancer, but you've come to the right place, and your dilemma is familiar to many on here, I went down the radiotherapy route, as I couldn't have surgery, so the decision for me was simple, but I know it's been a difficult decision for many on the forum, and I'm sure the guys or their partners who had to make this choice will be along to share their experiences, Rob, there are also other treatments some or the guys have had, which might be off interest to you.

    You will find everyone very friendly and welcoming, happy to share what they know, offer advice and support and answer any questions you may have, and hopefully help you make the right decision for you .

    If you could let us know your Gleason score and TNM  staging, this would help others who have been in a similar situation to you, find you sooner, a moan or rant, works for many of us.


  • Hi Rob_ 

    Welcome to the club that, as the saying goes, everyone would rather not be a member of !

    So your first biopsy, in mid-2023, identified low-level prostate cancer, i.e. presumably a Gleason score 3+3 = 6, with the recommended course of action being Active Surveillance.  

    After your second biopsy, in May 2024, the discussion moved to treatment options.  It would be helpful to know if that was on the basis of the same or a changed Gleason score (perhaps to 3+4), and if you could post any staging info which you may have available.  

    Anyway, clearly you and your wife have given the options careful consideration, and hopefully have chosen the one which is best for you.  Best wishes for the way forward.  

    Best regards, Peroni.  

  • Rob, I am in the same situation as you. Diagnosed 23Dec and currently on active surveillance. Got a sudden spike on my PSA from 5 to 21.7 that made me think it’s time for prostatectomy this year.

    Did you have BPH along with the prostate cancer when you got diagnosed if you don’t mind me asking?

    All the best,


  • Hi Rob ( ), I find it interesting how we all act differently both at the start and during this journey.  Probably time to make that call as we all know it won’t go away on its own.  We often hear on this forum that if you need to take action then starting when you are younger and fitter is probably the best course of action.  There are a number of options and it is a tricky one (I didn’t need to make as surgery was too late) but armed with the info, I am sure you will make the correct call for yourself and your wife.  As others have said, if you can provide your Gleason and staging that will help.  Look forward to hearing from you when you have made the call.  Best wishes, David

  • Good Morning  

    Another warm welcome to the group from me, I am Brian one if the Community Champions here at Macmillan and I also have Prostate Cancer.

    I see from your post that you have considered the options and are going down the surgery route so I wish you well with this. There are plenty of Community members who have "been there - done that" so feel free to ask any questions, however trivial, you will get honest answers.

    If i can do anything for you please don't hesitate to contact me.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Rob

    Like you I had no symptoms and after considering the options we both agreed that RP was our way forward. 16 months down the line I am cancer free and, after having had an artificial sphincter fitted, the incontinence has also been dealt with. I am enjoying the gym and allotment again. I wish you well for today.

  • Thank you Eddie

    I did make a call today in an effort to collate all stats and documentation. Following my second biopsy it seems there has been a progression. Most recent psa of 15.

    I genuinely appreciate the time taken to respond.

     I’m normally very well organised but I feel I really need to document all results and key dates of diagnosis and consultations prior to requesting treatment.

     I suppose I just didn’t want to accept the diagnosis and to an extent I dismissed the details. This is of course on reflection an unwise attitude which I must change.



  • Many thanks for the reply 

    I’m trying to collate stats accurately before  requesting treatment . I have been advised that there has been a progression between first and second biopsy so perhaps unwise to procrastinate much longer 



  • Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to respond. Much appreciated.

    I hope to be in a position to request treatment soon once I have carefully collated stats and had a final consultation on same with the surgeon.


  • Hi Rob_ , you are welcome, and well done in making that call, though sorry your PSA has risen, though its normal to assume it's cancer related, other factors can have an impact on your PSA numbers,  and I would think most on here would say information and knowledge is key when it comes to treatment, I requested full disclosure of all my relevant hospital details as some details are not always forthcoming from your medical team, my best wishes with your meetings, and please let us know how you get on.
