Husband recently diagnosed

  • 13 replies
  • 176 subscribers

Hi all, my husband has just been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and the plan moving forward is for him to undergo prostate surgery.

  • Hi Fairywings welcome to the  forum. I feel sure that your head will be spinning right now and lots and lots of questions going around in your head as well. The lovely folks on here will be along soon and hopefully answer any questions that you might like to post.  


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Fairywings, sorry you’ve had to find your way here but we’re the best place to be for this subject as there will be people on here who will know an answer to your question, or someone (like me) who have been through it and come out the other side and there will also be both who are better able than myself at there technical stuff, all of whom are friendly and able to help in their own way if they can.

    For my part, as others on here can testify to, I’m an open book on here (only on here & not so much outside of it) and I’ll answer any question if it’s something I have knowledge of or experience of, no subject off limits and no question too large or small.

    Feel free to drop a question or questions whenever you like and someone will be along in due course to answer it for you.

    Best wishes to you & your husband


  • Hi Fairywings.

    Good afternoon it's great to meet you today.

    Yes it is a whirlwind in the beginning and your head will be all over the place but believe me it does get much easier.

    We have got many great people on here that will no doubt be in touch very very soon but in the meantime if there is anything that I can help/support you with please please come back to me???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi  , sorry you have joined our club, but welcome. There are lots of wives on here so you will get views from males and partners.  To help us with any questions you have, can you let us know the Gleason score (usually 2 numbers but can just be 1), together with a staging (normally TxNxMx). When you first get the diagnosis it is such a shock, but we have all been through it and it gets better as time goes on.  Best wishes, David

  • Hello  

    Another warm welcome to the Macmillan Online community from me - although I am so sorry to find you here. As others have said you will find us a "decent bunch" and happy to answer any questions you may have - however trivial.

    Community member John ( has completed surgery and he is happy to answer any specific questions you and your husband may have. If you click on his user name (as with mine) you will find a few details about him.

    Here's a link to our guide to Prostate Surgery-

    and here's a link for some free "stuff" from Prostate Cancer UK you may find of use-

    I hope the above helps - if I can do anything for you please let me know.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you for your kind words and I am sure I will have plenty of questions to ask you lovely folk over this journey x

  • Thank you so much for your honesty and I will certainly ask questions and thank you for your kind wishes x

  • Hi David his Gleason score was 4+ 3

    Staging is T2 N 0

    PSA 7.9

    Grade group 3 prostate cancer 1/27 cores

  • Thank you for your reply Brian and I amsure over the next few days/weeks I will have lots of questions and thank you for the links x

  • Hi Fairywings,

    welcome to a great bunch of people who don’t judge if you want a rant . I have and always gets some words of comfort from everyone . Take care & best wishes to you and your husband 

    Liz & Oh
