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Hi. Just found this group so hello to everyone. Been diagnosed with prostate cancer so now awaiting operation due in August. Been told it’s within the prostate so should be able to get rid of it. Bit worried about ED as only 60. Read some interesting posts and already got some good information. Regards. Paul 

  • Hi Rover06 I dont have the answers for your queries but saw your post an popped in from another thread. Hopefully someone will be along soon from the Prostate Cancer Thread with more information and a warm welcome to you.

    Best Wishes for now.  


    Community Champion Badge

  • Good morning Paul  ( 

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan Prostate Cancer forum - we are a decent bunch.

    Surgery comes with it's own issues and nothing can be taken for granted until the surgeon starts the operation, however having said that surgery is undertaken to remove the prostate whole along with any cancer and leave clear margins.

    The main "issue" is the old prostate sits with a couple of nerve bundles and during surgery they try not to damage these, however nothing is guaranteed. After surgery there is a wealth of help to enable you to recover as fully as possible.

    Here's a link to Prostate Cancer UK's advice on surgery:

    And here's a link to their free support pack:

    My best advice to you (still being the proud owner of most of my prostate) is to read the various threads on surgery and ask questions to those Community members who have "been there". I hope this helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you for that. Was feeling ok about it but spoke to someone yesterday who had surgery 6 years ago and has not had an erection since. Just shocked and upset me a bit to be honest. 

  • Hello Paul ( 

    I think recovery from surgery depends on your surgeon, how the surgery went and how your own body reacts. I have statistics for most things Prostate Cancer related but those I have foe ED after surgery vary so much - it's almost like a roll of the dice.

    I didn't have the choice but I am a wimp so I would have stuck with HT/RT anyway. I am 68 and 30 months into my journey - so no erections for me since early 2022. (you can read my journey by clicking on my avatar).

    The choice (if you have one) between surgery and HT/RT is a very personal one and there are no correct answers. 

    There is another thread you may wish to read through to help you on the General Cancer Chat forum and here's the link:

     Sex and cancer - Let's talk 

    As I said in my previous post all I can advise you to do is ask questions and research from trusted sources Macmillan an Prostate Cancer UK (not Dr Google!!).

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you. I’ve opted for surgery just to get it out of the way really. I’m self employed and thought it best to get it out and get back to work as soon as possible. 

  • Hi Rover06 

    sorry that you find yourself here, I’m currently operation day +13 & I’m 57 years old, you’ll find below that I’m not one to mince words or soften things up, I tell it how I’ve seen or experienced it.

    At our age we are classed as young in the realms of prostate cancer so I get your reasoning for your concerns regarding ED.

    My PC also was contained albeit mostly on one side so I have lost the nerves on the right during the op but I’ve been saved the ones on my left. 

    This means for me that (touches wood, no pun intended) that I have the chance to gain erections in the future but along with some help from something like viagra, but I will no longer be able to have ejaculations but may still be able to “dry fire”, though from what I understand, this is some way yet down the line.

    From what I’ve read on hormone therapy & radiotherapy, the hormones put your testosterone production line to sleep meaning that for the period you’re on it and for some time afterwards it’s quite likely there will not be any erectile function which I was told that if I went on it would be for 18 months, but with me not experiencing this, this is best coming from others.

    I figured for me, being given the two options, why would I want to put up with cancer inside of me for any longer than necessary, I’d rather be here now as I am with no prostate & no cancer 3 months after confirmation of diagnosis.

    At the end of the day though, you are you and I am who I am, we must all choose our own path, just choose the right informed path for you, regrets last a lifetime

    Best wishes & good luck


  • Hi Rover06,

    I am post 4 months post radical prostaectomy and bilateral lymph node removal, please read my profile which I have been using as a diary.

    I think this is part of the decision making process, balancing the pros and cons of which treatment to go for. I accepted the cons with removing the cancer which is twofold. Incontinence and ED.

    With the constant pelvic floor exercises in-conjunction with the NHS squeeze app I am dry night and day. 

    The ED aspect is long term recovery and nothing can be guaranteed. I am at the stage I can dry fire Rofl(love that description).

    I am taking Sildenafil (Viagra) to encourage blood flow around the nerves to encourage recovery. 

    One thing that I did not realise until after the op was to prevent penile atrophy a pump is the normal treatment. I now use a pump daily for my penile exercises. I heard it described as penis push ups. 

    Don't want to embarrass anyone, but consider masterbation as good penile physiotherapy Thumbsup and it is easier and more enjoyable after using the pump.

    Both myself and my wife have accepted where I am and to be honest it's like discovering sex all over again. It's certainly brought us closer together. Now I can dry fireRofl I would be happy and accept it if I did not progress any further. If I do manage to recover natural erections, and I am still optimistic, that would be a bonus.

    All the best in your journey, this forum is a great source of reliable informationThumbsup

  • Love your comments on your Profile. We think alike Thumbsup

  • Thanks Brian. Will take a look at that later. Spoke to a macmillan nurse today and she said to get the op out of the way and look at options after that. 

  • Thanks John. Very useful info