New member

  • 8 replies
  • 162 subscribers

Hi there, 

I've just joined the group as my brother has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and I'm reaching out for support. I lost both my dad and grandparents to cancer and it feels like history repeating itself all over again. He is only in his 40's and want to find the best way to support him. 


  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the group which I hope you find a good source of information and support for both you and your brother. Having cancer in the family means that all there is a heightened likelihood of the children to have the genes which can show an increased risk of having it so maybe an opportunity to discuss the matter with your own doctor as well.

    We can point you in the direction of where you can get emotional support if you think it might help but if you want to know more about your brother's treatment options then it would help if he agrees for you to post his initial PSA, TNM, Gleason and a brief summary of how he got his diagnosis on the profile page. Prostate cancer can encompass a wide range from men just needing to having the cancer monitored with regular testing, through needing some form of treatment with the intention to cure, up to being offered therapies to treat the cancer even if they are given a diagnosis which means that a cure may not be possible. What we do know is that 98% of men die with prostate cancer and not of it. Please don't try using Dr Google because there is a lot of spurious information out there, plus treatments have come on in leaps and bounds in recent years plus there is a lot more development going on.

    Come back to us with any questions, no matter how small or silly you think they are as we have all done it and initially we have to go through a steep learning curve.

  • Hi Leanne44,

    I cannot add much to the detailed and excellent post of  . When you give us more info about his diagnosis, we will be able to direct you towards members who had similar diagnosis and what to expect.

    My husband diagnosed last November and his treatment compose mainly of Hormone therapy and he had 6 sessions of radiotherapy. In the last 9 months we learnt that life carry on with new routine and there are so many treatments and options today. PC is not a death sentence and many of the members in this community have almost normal life. 

    Please ask any questions you have and give us more information about his diagnosis.

    Lots of love

    Dafna from Brighton

  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the online Prostate Community.  As my friend  said in her post if your brother is happy to share his diagnosis we are in a better place to help you both. To add to his profile click on the chair (top right on your home page, then "profile" and then "edit". Once you have written something don't forget to press "save".

    As well as our community for support there is always:

    "Maggie's" - If you have a "Maggie's" near you just call in. They are a cancer support charity where you can have a coffee and chat over any issues - here's the link -

    Our support line are great - give them a call on 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm 7 days a wee).

    I hope this helps - if I can do anything else for you feel free to give me a shout.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Leanne44

    im 57 and considered young when diagnosed with prostate cancer, id re-iterate what   said and stay away from Dr Google, any information you wish to find on this is available on this website and at prostatecanceruk. 

    For individuals to be able to compare & contrast with your brothers & their own experience we would ask for that bit more information about the stage he finds himself at and of what options he’s been given to move ahead.

    For instance I’m just Op Day +11 having had my prostate removed and I can tell you what he may be facing based on my own experience but if you wish to know more about the various drug therapies available then that is a conversation best had with others.

    best wishes to your brother & yourself 


  • Thank you John. He has very recently been given the diagnosis. He had an all over body scan today and awaiting the results to see if it has spread? He is also awaiting a date for the operation to remove his prostate. 

  • Hi Leanne44.

    Good afternoon and welcome it's great to meet you today. I'm very sorry to hear that your brother has been touched by this horrible condition (cancer)

    Unfortunately I was diagnosed over 12mnts ago now June 2023 at the age of 57. I am currently on a treatment pathway that's working well for me considering the beginning of my journey.

    You have come to the right place for help and support. We have got many members who have been through similar situations as you and your brother.

    Many of them have already been in touch already and hopefully you will receive more in the coming days.

    Please please let me know if I can help/support you further???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi Leanne

    if you look for the thread I started on here called post op you’ll see my journey from the day of my op to Op Day +3 I’ll be posting again tomorrow on that thread after my catheter is removed, it’s my journey that I’ve had post surgery and I’ve tried to be as honest as I can. If you or your brother have any questions relating to surgery, drop me a line on here and I’ll try to answer it if it’s relevant to my experience through this time

    Take care


  • Thank you again, I will have a read. 

    I hope you are recovering well Pray