Chemo alternative

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  • 162 subscribers

Has anyone had chemo for metastatic prostate cancer.

It's a question I will be asking at my MDT meeting next Thursday.

The reason I ask, is as previously mentioned, my 23year old has been in 50/50 remission with B-cell Hodgkins Lymphoma but it has come back so he has to have chemo.

He is level 2 autistic and is devastated that he will lose his hair. That's all that's bothering him.

Being autistic, everything else goes over his head.

I was wondering if chemo could be for me so I could go through the journey with him.

All his friends are going to have their heads shaved when he loses his hair to show support.

I started my Degarelix on Thursday and had an adverse reaction. My stomach was like a balloon. Went to hospital and they mentioned alternative treatment.

It's up to the consultants now on Thursday. 

  • Hello  

    Chemotherapy can be an option for metastatic prostate cancer and we have a few on the forum who are going on or have started triplet therapy which is a combination of one of the injections, a second generation antiandrogens (the one in favour at the moment is Darolutamide) plus chemotherapy (Docetaxel). One of the criteria for having this recommended is the number and spread of the cancer - it is normally only recommended for multiple sites, plus chemotherapy should be initiated within 12 weeks of starting hormone therapy for best outcomes. 

    My husband had chemotherapy 3 years after his initial diagnosis of advanced metastatic prostate cancer and further rounds are a possibility further down the line if necessary.

    For hair loss there is what is called a 'cold cap' which you put on whilst having chemotherapy but your son might find it stressful so having his mates join him in the head shave is a brilliant idea and maybe an opportunity for fund raising for a favourite charity.

    Sorry to hear about the reaction to the Degarelix but there are other options which you might be put on which can be administered into the bum, arm of stomach. They will check that the Degarelix has reduced your testosterone to castrate level before the end of the 28 days before putting you on the alternative.

    All the best for Thursday and let us know how you get on.

  • Hi  , I would just add that complete hair loss isn’t always the case.  I lost body hair but my head hair didn’t completely go, but I did have my hair shaved to No 3 height in anticipation.  In fact, I have kept at this level ever since and much prefer it short.  Great that his mates are supporting your son, good for them.  If possible, when you get to talk to your team, I would strongly advise you not to be alone, as there tends to be so much info given, I found it hard to take everything in.  Best wishes, David

  • I agree  .

    Hubby had his hair cut short prior to chemotherapy and ended up with a Mohican for the duration of the course - a bit of a young look for a 79 year old but I gelled it for a bit of fun. He now has a full head of very curly hair which is darker than before and also prefers to keep it shorter otherwise he looks like a clown. It was the loss of the body hair which upset him most but the advantage was that he didn't have to shave for a few months.

    For the meeting on Thursday it may be an option to record it if the doctors agree.

  • Hello Tomjef

    I have two friends - now in their 70s, who were treated with chemo and radiotherapy for Hodgkins when they were in their 20s!!!!! I'm not sure of the different types but I hope that you can see that, although worrying, there are success stories. I hope that your son becomes one of them!

    Re hair loss. My husband had RT and HT for his prostate cancer and lost an enormous amount of body hair and head hair over the time! It's not just chemo that does it! We both think its the HT also!!!

    I do hope that your own treatment plan is sorted soon and that both you and your son overcome this horrible disease. x

  • I have attached a link to a thread on triplet therapy which also has some tips on what to expect from the chemotherapy side of things which you might find helpful.

     Triplet therapy (chemo) starting in 2 weeks!! Please help us prepare x