Second time around

  • 7 replies
  • 164 subscribers

In 2018 for a Gleason 9,  I had brachytherapy, bicalutamide, and focussed beam radiotherapy  which brought down my PSA to below threshold. This was followed by 2 years of Zoladex. If my failing memory is right I remember few side effects apart from hot flushes and weight gain. It took 2 more years after stopping Zoladex for side effects to disappear and my strength and fitness to respond to exercise.  I felt pretty good for an eighty year old..

However, recently, my PSA  went exponential, doubling every 6 months. I am now on Prostap which seems to be affecting me much more than Zoladex did : spells of absolute exhaustion, aching joints and muscles, and about 40% loss of strength.

I know I am getting older, but has anyone else experienced a difference in side effects between Zoladex and Prostap (apart from the actual injection which is not important) ?    I am wondering whether it is worth asking for a change of medication.

  • Hello  

    Welcome to the Macmillan Online Prostate Community - I am so sorry to find you back here.

    I can't give you any personal experience with either Zoladex and Prostap but am just 30 months into my personal hormone journey and have been on Decapeptyl (6 monthly) from the start. i have lost some muscle strength and had some weight gain. No exhaustion or aching joints and no issues at the injection site in the old gluteus maximus.

    My GP tried to swap me onto Prostap (cost saving I understand as it's cheaper) but as i was happy with what I was on I insisted on sticking with Decapeptyl.

    I hope this helps and the hormone treatment alone can keep your PSA in check.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi Ceesailor.

    Welcome to our prostate cancer family it's great to meet you today sorry that it's under these circumstances!!!!

    I have been on Apalutamide Tablets and Prostrap Injections since last June 2023.

    Yes I have been getting the same side effects: exhaustion, aching joints & muscles and also loss of strength.

    My meds are currently having good progress on my PSA bringing it down from 1000+ to 0.9 currently.

    Yes you can ask ask your medical team about changing your current meds if you feel this would be more beneficial???

    You will need to make sure that they are happy with this and that it won't effect your ongoing condition.

    I am currently very happy with my treatment plan and the current side effects which I am controlling perfectly to date.

    Please come back to me if there's anything that I can help/support you with?????

    Prostate Worrier.

  • My husband had his 1st prostap tomorrow so will update you when we see the effects . It’s good to know about Decapeptyl as we can ask about it if he has side effects . Best wishes Liz x

  • Hi,

    Another Gleason 9 here.

    I can't speak about Zoladex, but I've been on Prostap and Abiraterone for 8 months.

    I suffer the same side effects you describe - spells of absolute exhaustion, loss of strength , and minimal response to exercise. I also suffer hot flushes and cognitive impact.

    The only side effect I got under control is the hot flushes, I'm now on Medroxyprogesterone 20mg, I still get flushes but they're much less intense, and if previously my flushes woke me up at night pouring sweat, I can now sleep without a towel.

    Hope this helps 


  • Thanks for your comments and offer of help.

  • Thanks, Brian , for your comments.