
  • 12 replies
  • 161 subscribers

Hi everyone,  I'm new to this forum, I was recently diagnosed with early stage PC following MRI, bone scan then additional MRI on the spine. I have since been advised spine is clear.

My 1st appointment with consultant is later this week & expect to be offered 2 types of treatments prostatectomy or hormone and radiotherapy. I'm finding the whole thing difficult as I'm still mourning my wife who recently passed away (a mere 3 months after she was diagnosed with advanced cancer) and don't want to make a rash decision based on my current circumstances.   

I have read lots of information & still unsure which would be best for me. I understand it's a personal choice but it's not easy. I was wondering if anyone could pass on their experiences of either treatment?   

  • Hi David2017, Thank you. Us guys don't do much to help ourselves do we. I went alone to Dr's & 1st urology appointment, biopsy & all the scans but, accompanied on the biopsy results appointment onwards, you are right 4 ears are definitely better than 2. I didn't realise HT would be offered/started ahead of making a decision though so, thank you for the heads up on that 

  • Hi Woodie, Maggie's are really friendly and welcoming, they will say hello then leave it up to you to decide what you want to do, good luck with the bone scan, If you make a couple of lists of questions for the consultant and give them one they can answer them in an order that you should find easier to understand, best wishes.
