Saying Hello

  • 4 replies
  • 151 subscribers

Hi there,

I'm 54 and have been diagnosed with Advanced Prostate Cancer. It's a 9 on the Gleason Scale and has spread to some of my lymph nodes.

I started immediately on hormone treatment - my first injection 10 days ago - and have had such a severe allergic reaction to the meds they've stopped me from having any more.

I've been told they'll have to remove my testicles instead of the hormone treatment, and then I'll start 20 sessions of radiotherapy over a month.

This has all happened within a few months so I'm feeling rather shellshocked.

  • sorry that you meet the criteria to join our band.  Are the lymph nodes local to prostrate? I had surgery rather than radiotherapy so cannot offer advice, However there are many threads on here with valuable and practical advice

  • Thanks Young Man, I appreciate it.

    It's been difficult being told during COVID - the phone call to tell me the results of the biopsies I was in the middle of Morrisons at the time!

    It's all been quite brutal and rushed and matter of fact so far. There doesn't seem to be any psychological support. Maybe that comes later.

    I'm a single man so it's a lot to deal with by yourself.

  • If you reach out to your specialist nurse or gp they will be able to assist you. Also ring Macmillan. It is essential to gather your questions beforehand, maybe take a friend with you, if you’re comfortable with that, my wife and I came out of some appointments with different things. The treatment is quick, that is why you need to look after yourself. Seek any help that is available you never know what will help, does your work have an employee assistance program?

  • Hi

    That news could have been better for you, did they not start with bictalutimide ( spelt that wrong sorry ) that’s the normal hormone drug to start with before chemotherapy or radiotherapy depending on if the PC is contained, but being like me a Gleason 9 it may well have broken out.

    What was your PSA ? Do you have underlying problems ? This can make a difference to how your treated. I would have had the snip, but not heard good reviews on what happens after.

    Stay safe
