Hormone Therapy and body odour

  • 8 replies
  • 115 subscribers

Hi everyone

After my diagnosis (localised high-risk prostate cancer) last April I started taking Bicalutamide and then Zoladex (goserelin - testosterone blocker) prior to my RT in September 2024.

Since taking the HT drugs, my body odour (armpits) has been negligible in comparison to the smelly person that I used to be.

It can't be a coincidence.

Has anyone else experienced this positive side-effect? Grin


  • Good morning  

    it’s funny as my OH was always soaked in sweat after his daily walk. he said I need to do more (before he injured his leg)  to build up a sweat .  So maybe he won’t . Hope all is good 

    Liz & OH xx

  • Good Morning  

    Great question and to be honest - I don't know. The only change I noticed with my arm pits was that after starting HT the hair there vanished and my arm pits are now smooth.  (so that's something good HT's done! Joy)

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hello  and what a good question. Those on the forum who know me will understand that the nerd needed to find out. From a quick deIve I can see that there are 2 mechanisms linked to changes in testosterone level. One is to do with your olfactory system which seems to mean that your sense of smell is less acute. The other is to do with what you secrete - Chemical compounds found in testosterone, like androstenol, are excreted with your sweat and contribute to that musky man-scent so castrasted men pong less. I also have a memory that dogs can be trained to pick up the scent associated with certain cancers at a lower level than normal tests so there is possibly another mechanism involved.

  • Hello  

    Thank you very much as usual for that informative post.Nerd

    that musky man-scent so castrasted men pong less.

    We've started this years "quote of the year" competition and I think that's the first entry.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi  , good question and a definite yes from me.  I have played tennis all my life and as soon as I went on Zoladex I stopped sweating. Ok maybe I don’t run as much or as fast, but almost no smell under my armpits, although about a year ago I did need to start putting on deodorant.  This coincided with my PSA increasing (maybe a coincidence but I think not).  As always a super reply from  and a possible link to sense of smell made me recall I recently moved into a new flat and I could smell gas.  I had the builder and about 5 others saying there was no smell so I demanded that they use a gas sniffer and sure enough a minute leak was found.  David

  • Hi Alwayshope

    Thanks for doing the research for me. I suspected that that man pong was related to my testosterone somehow.

    I haven't noticed any change in my ability to smell. It would be pretty grim if I still had manly armpits but couldn't smell them myself! I'm sure my wife would have told me....ha! ha!

    BitO (not BO)

  • Hi BitOrange

    Well, after everyone else's reply, I now see that there can be a hidden silver lining in having HT that also has a benefit to the wallet - saving on deodorant Grinning.  The personal care companies will be hushing this up in case it affects their profits.

    Best Wishes


  • Hi BitOrange,

    I too notice a decrease in body odour, especially armpits. There appears to be very little if any of the typical armpit odour since I started on Zoladex.I

    t's counter intuitive, as you'd think with all the hot flushes and literally beads of sweat dripping from your forehead body odour would be an issue. Not so. A hidden benefit from Hormone Therapy perhaps?