
  • 2 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hello.  My husband  has been told that Enzalutamide is no longer working and he is being given Olaparib after he has some radiotherapy.  I am really worried about 3verythibg really.  Has anyone had this Olaparib? 2hat are the side effects? Many Thanks 

  • Hi Stem

    I do remember reading about this drug some time ago.

    Think was launched about 3 or 4 years ago.

    Apparently exploits a weakness in cancer cells without harming healthy tissue, good for advanced cancer.

    Hopefully someone might post who has tried it but it does sound ok.

    Try searching on the web , must be loads of info there

    Best wishes


  • Hello Stem, I have just looked up Olaparid on the Prostate cancer Uk website

    www.prostatecancer.org  They give a really good explanation of how it works, when it’s used and what the side effects are. 

    I really hope it works for your husband !