Good news but still feel bad.

  • 2 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi all , had robotic prostate removal in January this year , unfortunately,  PSA after opp was 4.7 , so we knew it had spread elsewhere. After yet another PET scan , it was traced to lymph system in pelvic region and also travelled upwards. I was told radiotherapy wasn't an option as it is not suitable for the area. This came as a shock as the first thought it was contained within the prostate. I started Bicalutamide and had quite severe side effects , have now stopped Bicalutamide and started Triptorelin injections , on a 6 monthly basis. The good news is after first injection my PSA has come down to 0.01 , everybody seems to think this is great news , I know it is , but just don't feel any different about it. The side effects are quite harsh and depression and anxiety are taking there toll. Dr has out me on Mirtazapine,  I just can't to seem to pick myself up. I'm not after the sympathy vote here , just wondering if anybody is in the same boat. People around me are so happy , yet it just hasn't sunk in with me , perhaps I'm just a miserable git

  • Although my situation is not like yours I am sure the way you are feeling is quite usual for someone in your situation.  I hope someone in the same situation comes along soon and can give you some more constructive advice from their similar experiences.  In the meantime just keep on doing the things you enjoy and make the most of things. 

    All the best and let us know how you get on.

  • Hi Dave. I had HT & RT rather than prostatectomy but was severely depressed after finishing 20 sessions of RT. I had been very fit prior to the RT and it had all gone down the drain. I had to do something about it and I started walking every day come rain or shine. Just a mile to start with and slowly building up to longer distances. It took more than six months to start to feel better, but I managed to get fit enough to start rowing again. I am now swimming 1200m twice a week, walking about 25km every week and rowing as often as the weather and tides allow.

    It might seem impossible to you just now, but it will get better with a bit of effort.

    I would also advise you to give up alcohol and caffeine neither of which are good when you are depressed.

    I hope you start to feel better soon and keep in touch here.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)